
스피킹&오픽자료실 토익스피킹&OPIc 학습에 유용한 자료들을 공유하는 게시판입니다. 저작권에 위배되는 자료는 자제해주세요.


[토스총평] 1/10(일) 강로사 선생님 토익스피킹 총평강의

스피킹총평 | 조회 4737 | 추천 23
  • 2016.01.10
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

안녕하세요. 종로해커스에서 토스 기본을 맡고 있는 강로사입니다.

2016110일 오전 11 30분 토익 스피킹 시험에 대한 총평을 시작하겠습니다.


Part 1. Read a text aloud




Q1. Announcement

  1. L 발음 – welcome

  2. 연음; 자음과 모음이 나란히 오는 경우– give up

  3. aisle, climb

  4. ph – photo, philosophy

  5. A, B, and C


Q2. Announcement

  1. V 발음 – have

  2. 줄임말 – we’re, you’ve, I’d, I’ll

  3. 끝에 오는 “L” 발음- scale, tail

  4. If - 끝나는 comma ( , ) 앞에서 올리는 억양

          Comma( , )에서 충분히 쉬고 주절의 끝에서 내리는 억양

  5. A, B, and C




Part 2. Describe a picture






  1. 실외에서 찍힌 사진

  2. 소수의 사람이 등장하는 사진

  3. 사람의 동작

  4. 입고 있는 옷과 주변의 사물 묘사  

  5. 배경 설명


  1. 장소 - This picture was taken outdoors.

  2. 주인공 - The first thing I see is two men sitting on a bench.

  3. 주인공의 동작옷과 인상착의 묘사

    A man on the right side is talking on the phone. He is in a blue shirt. Next to him, the other man is reading a book. He is wearing a suit.  

  4. 배경 설명- On the left side of the picture, I can see two women having a conversation. A woman on the right side is holding a bag on her shoulder. And the other woman has curly hair. They are smiling at each other.

    In the background of the picture, there is a garden with the grass and a building with many windows.

  5. 마무리 - Generally, it seems like the people are happy and enjoying a nice day.




Part 3. Respond to questions



Q4. 언제

I usually visit a clothing store in the evening. I like taking some time for shopping my clothes after my work.   

Q5. 선호도

I am looking for different kinds of suits because I usually wear suits at my work place. Therefore, I spend most of my shopping time on buying suits.

Q6. Description

The last time I visited a clothing store near my house was last weekend. It takes only a few minute to get there from my house so I love to visit the store. Also, it is a very famous place for providing many different kinds of clothes and people enjoy shopping and buy what they want. In my case, I bought some casual clothes and a hat.



Part 4. Respond to questions using information provided.





Type – workshop  

Q7. When/ What

(The event) will take place on (날짜) and we are going to discuss (일정).

Q8. schedule 확인

표에 직접적으로 나와있지 않은 스케줄 내용이 맞는지 확인하는 문제  

(The event) will take place on (날짜) and we are going to discuss (일정).

Q9. 질문에 해당하는 모든 정보 (추가 정보도 제공)

There are two demonstrations.

The first is (the event) and it will be held on (날짜), at(장소).

The second is (the event) and it will be held on (날짜), at(장소).





Part 5. Propose a solution 





전화 메시지를 통해 상대방이 가지고 있는 문제점을 요약하고 그에 대한 해결방안을 제시.


(첫인사)Hello. (받는 사람). This is 내 이름, (the position). I want to tell you about the problem from your call.

(상황 설명 및 문제점) According to your message, I understand that we are providing free chocolate cakes for our customers for celebrating our store’s anniversary. However, we almost run out of the cakes and we are thinking about how to keep this event.

(해결책) To solve the problem, I suggest that we should change our free gifts. We gave our customers free cakes but we can provide other kinds of cookies. There is a big bakery near our store, and we can get many different kinds of cookies and bread. Also, how about offering free coffee and tea? We will be fine and I am sure that we can make our customers happy. 

(끝인사) If you want to discuss this matter further, please feel free to call me anytime. Bye.



Part 6. Express an opinion


   1. 경험을 통해 기술을 배우게 된다.

  2. 경험은 긴 시간을 필요로 한다.

(서론) I think that it would be important to start a new business with a business partner who has relevant work experience.

(본론) First, relevant work experience is very useful for running a business. Also, experience is very valuable because it takes time to have. For example, when I worked at a company last year, my manager had worked in the Sales department for a long time. With his abundant experience, he was a very skillful person with communicating and handling many different kinds of clients. Our department was always successful and I could be sure that the power of experience in the business field.

(결론) For these reasons, I believe that…… (서론)

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