
스피킹&오픽자료실 토익스피킹&OPIc 학습에 유용한 자료들을 공유하는 게시판입니다. 저작권에 위배되는 자료는 자제해주세요.


Step 9. 내가 좋아하는 영화

시리즈 | 조회 6831 | 추천 12
  • 2011.03.03
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

내가 좋아하는 영화
→ You indicated in the survey that you go to the movies with adults. 
    Tell me about the movies you like to see.


* 필수요소
1. 좋아하는 영화 장르 → Favorite film genre
2. 좋아하는 감독, 배우 → Favorite director & actor/actress
3. 좋아하는 줄거리 → Touching or comic?
4. 좋아하는 특별한 이유는? → Reasons you like the movies.

TIP! 좋아하는 영화에 대해 설명해 달라고 했으므로, 제목만 말하고 끝내지 말고

        장르, 어떤 감독, 어떤 줄거리, 어떤 분위기, 어떤 배우들이 나오는 영화를 좋아하는지

        디테일하게 얘기해보자!

* 표현설명

1. 영화를 보러 가다
→ go to the movies / catch a movie / go to the cinema

→ I'm into~ : ~을 좋아한다. ~을 즐겨 한다.

→ be on the big screen영화관에서 상영하다
     cf) the small screen 텔레비전(dumb-box, tube, stupid-box)

→ new release : 개봉작
→ ~hit the big screen 영화가 개봉했다

→ download the movies : 영화를 다운로드 받다
→ I like to rent(out) DVDs. : 대여하다

TIP! 끊김 없이 자연스럽게 화제를 연결시키자.


2. 가장 좋아하는 영화

→ My all time favorite movie is~ 가장 좋아하는 영화는~


3. 얼마나 자주 영화를 보는지?
→ once a week / month / every other day / month


4. 영화에 관한 정보
*영화: movie=film=cinema
*영화제목 a title of the movie, film title
*영화감독 a director of the movie Someone directed the film.
*주연배우 : a main[leading] actor/actress
*조연배우 : a supporting actor/actress

*출연하다 to star Julia Roberts stars in the film. 
* 줄리아 로버츠가 주연을 맡다 Julia Roberts featured in the movie.

* 영화장르 :A genre of the movie
→ action, romance, horror, documentary, historical, musical, comedy, adventure, drama,

    animated film, sci-fi(=Science fiction), blockbuster


5. 영화를 보고 난 후...

TIP! 좋아하는 장르와 느낌을 연결해서 설명하자

→ I was moved/touched by the sad storyline(줄거리) of the movie.
    Watching movie itself relieves my stress.

→ Romantic movies make me happy.
    I like watching romantic films, because I feel happy.

*스트레스를 날려버리다
→ I like action-packed films, because it blows stress away!

*손에 땀을 쥐게 하다
→ Horro films make my hands sweat.

참고! The film is thrilling. 사물+동사ing
          I was thrilled by the movie. 사람+동사pp
          주어가 사람일 때, 감정동사를 수동태 형태로 쓰는 것 잊지 마세요!


* 모범답안

I'm very much into films of all genres
and I often go to the movies on the weekends.
When I was in college, I really enjoyed watching sci-fis,
but now, I prefer action packed films or thrillers.
My all time favorite is 'The Mission'.
It's an old film starring Robert Dinero and Jeremy Irons.
Ennio Morricone is an Italian composer,
especially noted for his film scores.
The OST of 'The Mission' was composed by him, too.
When I go to the movies with my husband, we often watch romance films.
One of my favorite romance films is 'The Notebook', which is a beautiful movie.
I was so touched by the movie that I told all my friends to watch it for almost a month.
I wish I can grow old with my husband like the couple in the film.

* is noted for = is well-known for
* film-scores/OST(Original Sound Track) 영화음악

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