
스피킹&오픽자료실 토익스피킹&OPIc 학습에 유용한 자료들을 공유하는 게시판입니다. 저작권에 위배되는 자료는 자제해주세요.


[토스총평] 11/8 (일) 강로사 선생님 토익스피킹 총평강의

스피킹 총평 | 조회 4929 | 추천 27
  • 2015.11.08
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소


종로해커스에서 토스 기본을 맡고 있는 강로사선생님 입니다.

2015 11 8 오전 10 30 토익 스피킹 시험에 대한 총평을 시작하겠습니다.



Part 1. Read a text aloud

Q1. Advertisement

  1. “-rm” – firm, term, worm

  2. 최상급 – the largest, the highest

  3. “-f” “-fe”로 끝나는 경우, 복수형은 “-ves” 로 끝나게 됨

      ex) wolf → wolves

 leaf → leaves

  1. 연음이 없는 경우의 발음 “n” + “l” → 따로 발음할 것

    ex) lonely

  2. A, B, and C


Q2. Introduction

  1. “-tion” – information, communication  

  2. “-nomy” – agronomy, economy

  3. 연음이 없는 경우의 발음 “n” + “r” → 따로 발음할 것

    ex) enroll

  4. career

  5. A, B, and C



Part 2. Describe a picture


  1. 집안 (부엌)에서 찍힌 사진

  2. 두 사람이 등장하는 사진

  3. 사람의 동작

  4. 입고 있는 옷과 주변의 사물 묘사  

  5. 배경 설명


  1. 장소 - This picture was taken in a kitchen.

  2. 주인공 - The first thing I see is two people cleaning the kitchen.

  3. 주인공의 동작옷과 인상착의 묘사

     A woman is cleaning a counter with a cloth and cleaner. She is wearing a gray cardigan. On the left side of the woman, I can see a coffee machine on the counter. On the right side of the picture, a man in a blue stripe t-shirt is sweeping the floor with a broom.

  4. 배경 설명- Next to him, there is a white refrigerator. In the background of the picture, I can see many kitchen facilities such as a kitchen sink, cupboards, and counters.

  5. 마무리 - Generally, it seems like the people are busy and serious.   



Part 3. Respond to questions


Topic – a bookstore  

Q4. 경험

The last time I went to a bookstore was last weekend. At that time, I spent more than an hour reading some science fiction.

Q5. 선호도

I have a plan to visit a bookstore within next month. Actually, my hobby is reading. I often visit a bookstore because I can learn many things from reading and it is good for stress relief as well.

Q6. Opinion

I like visiting a bookstore with a café. I like drinking coffee and reading books because it is very comfortable to relax with reading. When I visit a bookstore with a café, I can enjoy two things at the same time.





Part 4. Respond to questions using information provided.

Type – 제품 제작 일정

Q7. When/ What

The first meeting will held on (날짜), and we are going to discuss (content).

Q8. 일정 확인

제품 제작 일정에 대해 자신이 아는 내용이 맞는지 확인하는 문제  

I am sorry but the product will be released in January next year.

Q9. 질문에 해당하는 모든 정보

There are two plans.

The first one is (일정) and it will be held from August 1st to 15th.

The second one is (일정) and it will take place from August 16th to 20th.






Part 5. Propose a solution 

전화 메시지를 통해 상대방이 가지고 있는 문제점을 요약하고 그에 대한 해결방안을 제시.


(첫인사)Hello. (받는 사람). This is 내 이름, (the position). I want to tell you about the problem from your message.

(상황 설명 문제점) According to your message, I understand that we already have many competitive athletes as our bicycle store’s customers. However, we don’t have enough regular customers who are commuters and students and you are thinking about how to attract commuters and students.

(해결책) To solve the problem, I suggest that we should conduct a survey of commuters and students. From the survey, we will be able to figure out what kind of bicycles they want and order cheaper models that they might be interested in.

Second, we should hold the promoting event more often. I am sure it will be better than advertising. For example, we can send discount coupons to our regular customers and they will buy more bicycles cheaper.

(끝인사) If you want to discuss this matter further, please call me anytime. Thank you for your calling.






Part 6. Express an opinion


  1. 경험을 배울 있다.

  2. 즐겁게 배울 있다

 (서론) I think that it is better to learn new work skills by learning from my colleagues. (문제에 제시된 topic). There are some reasons to support my opinion.

(본론) First, they can teach me what they learned from their own experience.

For example, I worked at a company last year. At that time, I met many good colleagues there. Since they had more experience at work so they taught me what they had learned from their experience such as skills of communicating with customers. It was a good opportunity for me to learn how to handle customer services in the field.

Second, learning new skills from colleagues is more fun.

In my case, I enjoyed learning e-document system last year. At that time, I was taught from my colleagues and they were very friendly. They made a good atmosphere and I could focus more on learning new computer skills.


(결론) For these reasons, I believe that…… (서론)

스피킹&오픽 자료실
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
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121 [토익스피킹] 토익 스피킹 필수 동사 200-제 1탄 [2] 짱구 7814
120 [기타] [무료자료] 해커스 토익 보카 퀴즈 해토지기 20982
119 [기타] Step 8. 내가 좋아하는 식당 첨부파일 [6] 시리즈 8956
118 [기타] Step 7. 나의 이웃 첨부파일 [4] 시리즈 6185
117 [기타] Step 6. 우리 식구 첨부파일 [3] 시리즈 6922
116 [기타] Step 5. 우리집 첨부파일 [3] 시리즈 6282
115 [기타] Step 4. 우리회사 첨부파일 [5] 시리즈 5565
114 [기타] Step 3. 나의 회사 업무 첨부파일 [4] 시리즈 7204
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109 [토익스피킹] 토스 Part 1 고득점 비결 [12] 공략 15391
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해커스영어는 유익한 게시판 이용을 위해 아래와 같은 내용을 포함한 게시글/댓글의 등록을 금지합니다.

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