
스피킹&오픽자유게시판 스피킹시험을 준비하는 해티즌들이 자유롭게 이야기를 나누는 게시판입니다.


[4/26 3:30] 160맞을수잇을까요없을까요

160 | 조회 3283 | 추천 4
  • 2015.04.26
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

1. 광고/인물 등장전 소개

너무오바해서말하느라 좀버벅거렷지만..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ뭐나름 잘말한듯 느낌살려서



This is a picture taken at a place that appears to be a spacious park.

There are many people in this picture. Many people are sitting at?on?(기억안남) the bench.

and I can see many trees with colorful leaves in the background of the picture.

and in the center(middle) of the picture, There is a big fountain. and the weather is great.

overall, this picture gives out an enjoyable feeling, because everyone in the scene appears to be having relaxing time.




가장 최근에 전자기기로 음악 들은건 언제 어디서?

i listened to the music yesterday with my mp3  in my room.

전자기기로 음악 얼마나 자주 듣냐

I listen to the music with electronic device(기억안나는데 주어진거읽엇어요) about every..(틀린거깨달음) actually~ everyday!

because listening to the music, especially after the hard day of work, is relaxing.


너는 전자기기 고를 때 머 젤중요하니

brand/ ease of use/기억이안나요


i think the most important thing is the brand.

because a big corporation has various(a lot of) products.

so i can choose various...products......among them.(ㅋㅋㅋ스스로도할말없음)

그러다가 갑자기 생각나서 and also their products are reliable.

that is why i think so.



1)어디서 몇시에 열리니

그대로 읽어줌


2)내가 11월에 머어쩌고저쩌고 잘기억안나는데 여튼 그 때 available 하는지 걱정된다 이런거였어요

그런데 표 맨밑에 our product launch 가 10월이라고 써있었어요


sure.  because our prouduct launch is in(on?) october, so (넌 이용할수있다 이런식..)

시간많이남았길래 가볍게 so you don't need to worry about them~!


3) 저는 이거 그냥 컨퍼런스? 내용 다 알려달라는건줄알고 3개 다일단크게말해주고

we will talk about this more precisely. 하면서 조금씩 더읽고 시간좀되서 마지막껀 진짜 막 쏟아부어서 다읽었는데

사람들얘기하는거보니 2개만 읽어주는 건가봐요...ㅠㅠ 망햇네


5. 알렉스씨 요즘 전세계에서 관광객 많이오는데 관광객들이 map을 이해못해 어떡하지?

Hello Alex. This is ~~ returining your call.

i got your message saying that there are  a lot of (many) tourists coming to your places. however, there is a problem. because they can't understand the maps. so you'd like for me to help you out on this matter.

first of all, i'm sorry to hear about the situation. however, i'm happy to say that there is a way to help you out.

after looking into the situation, i came up with the following solution.

(first of all 또햇나..) I think it's a good idea to make several maps by several languages. it could be helpful for them to understand.

Moreover, why don't you hire some part-time workers to expaln...them.

i think it could be possible.

so these are my suggestions. and if you need more help, feel free to call me back anytime. thank you. bye~~~


6. 소비자 무슨 대표가 가져야 될 특성

positive mind/머머/ 머머

(positive 준비해가서 저거만보고 완전흥분햇네요..)


i think the most important thing ~~~~~~~ is the positive mind.

there are several reasons to support my opinion.

most of all, i feel that all the troubles I face everyday become easy to solve, when i have a positive attitude.(버벅거리며말함)

for example, (in my case) i had an intership last year. in there, i met my representative. she motivated and energizes(s한듯) her employee. and also she made..told many jokes and made me laugh. so it was good.

that is why i think so.

(버벅대느라 확실히 말한양이 적은거같아요)



전 그림묘사에서 사람이많아서 일일히 사람묘사 아예포기하고 전반적 분위기만 설명해서 그림묘사만 좀 걱정하고

6번만 너무 버벅댓다 좀.. 6번이좀망햇지만 갠차나


보니까 팟4에 3틀려서 음......나올까요?

하건다니는친구가 저 발음은 진짜 좋다고 햇는데.. 저처럼자연스럽게말하는애 거의업다고. . . . . (개뻔뻔...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ부끄)



답글주시면 감사하겟습니다. . .꾸벅






스피킹&오픽 자유게시판
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[게시판 이용 안내 및 권리침해신고 자세히 보기]

토스 mp3 무료배포

토익스피킹 점수예측풀서비스

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