
매일 토익 RC 풀기 매일 제공되는 RC문제로 토익 실전 리딩 완전 정복하세요!

2022. 09. 25 참여자수 : 4243명

Part 5
1.  The furniture manufacturer sells a table model that ------- folds up and can be stored away after use.


2.  With such a vast ------- of tableware at the Kitchen Warehouse, shoppers often spend hours trying to make a choice.


3.  Everyone left the office at six ------- the sales manager, who was waiting on a phone call from Dubai.


Part 6
Questions 4-7 refer to the following letter.

Dr. Tyler Emerson
54 Manor Crescent
Edmonton, Alberta
T5T 4J1

Dear Dr. Emerson,

We have received your registration details for the National Symposium on Cardiovascular Health, to be held in Montreal this spring. There is just one ---4.----, though.

You indicated in your application that you would be willing to present a talk titled “Development of A New Drug for the Treatment of Advanced Heart Disease.” You did not provide the ---5.---- summary of your work that was to be submitted at the time of registration, however. As preparations for the conference get underway, we now require this information. This is because it ---6.---- in the informational booklets for all attendees.

Please provide a brief abstract of less than 75 words at your earliest convenience. ---7.----. Given the urgency of the situation, I ask that you e-mail it to me at gatineau@heartsymposium.com.

Kind regards,
Sylvia Gatineau








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