
해커스편입 2024 0원 올인원패스

설날 맞이 알짜 Part 5 정답 및 해설

김희수 | 조회 2855 | 추천 1
  • 2005.02.10
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
1. Once ___________, the application for admission and all supporting documents  

    become the property of the university.

   (A) submit (B) submission (C) submitting (D) submitted

  [정답] (D)

  [해설] 입학지원서와 각종 서류들은 제출되는 것, 즉 수동의 의미이므로 과거분사인 submitted가 정답이다. Once는 이 경우 접속사로서 \'일단~하게되면\'이라는 뜻을 지니고 있다. 아울러 접속사 다음에는 현재분사나 과거분사가 곧바로 수반될 수 있다. 이 문장의 경우도 Once (they are)로 판단하면 된다.  

2. Smoking can ___________ in an average loss of 15 years in life expectancy.

   (A) result (B) hand (C) cause (D) lead


   [정답] (A)

   [해설] 빈 칸 다음에 있는 in과 어울려 문맥을 제대로 형성하는 것은 result이다.

             result in: ~한 결과를 가져오다, 결과적으로 ~하게 되다.

3.  ___________ entry to the building, you will go through security, including metal


   (A) When (B) In (C) Upon (D) By


   [정답] (C)

   [해설] Upon: ~할 때, ~하자마자

4. Parents worry that their kids stay out all night at the local cyber cafes and fall  

    ___________ in their studies.

   (A) behind  (B) across    (C) asleep   (D) apart

   [정답] (A)

   [해설] fall behind: 뒤쳐지다 (=lag behind)

5. The company has been a market leader with a long and successful history

    ___________ back to 1937.

   (A) coming   (B) returning   (C) saving  (D) dating

   [정답] (D)

   [해설] date back to: ~까지 거슬러 올라가다.

6. The survey results indicate that a ___________ number of Internet users are

    already  using the Internet to buy goods and services.

    (A) many (B) much (C) high (D) large

    [정답] (D)

    [해설] a large number of: 상당히 많은

7.  The flight schedule is ____________ to change without prior notice.

     (A) subject  (B) separate   (C) similar  (D) significant

     [정답] (A)

     [해설] be subject to: ~될 수 있다, ~하기 쉽다.

               (e.g.) This program schedule is subject to change.

8. Benefits, salary, or work weeks ___________ from company to company.

    (A) include (B) different (C) separate (D) vary

    [정답] (D)

    [해설] vary: 다르다, 차이가 있다.

9.  Unlike ___________ stores, we only require a 10% deposit with your order and    

     honor all major credit cards.

     (A) many (B) much (C) more (D) the most

    [정답] (A)

    [해설] many+복수명사

10.  For the last two years, he has worked in the marketing ___________.

      (A) dimension (B) directory (C) direction (D) division

      [정답] (D)

      [해설] division: 부서 (=department)


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