
해커스편입 2024 0원 올인원패스

※ 5월 정기토익 대비 토익의 추억 002 ※

윤효식 | 조회 2839 | 추천 1
  • 2005.05.24
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
토익의 추억 002

다음을 곰곰이 생각해 보세요. 그리고 정답을 답글로 a,b,c,d의 꼴로 올려주세요.

답글이 많으면 많을수록 빨리 동영상 해설강의를 올립니다.

그럼, now please....!

01. S is used (to, for, although, if) production of ~ .  

02. ~ workers who work on rotating shifts are (entered, encountered, entitled, entitle) to two days off

03. On (those, these, this, they) travel-expense report, S + V

04. As a (petition, benefit, charity, beneficial) of membership, you can ~ .  

05. ~ be associated (for, to, toward, with) international organizations ~ .

06. ~health-care programs that are easily (affordable, excessive, curable, believed) to all  residents~ .

07. If S (is, was, have, had) told, S could have p.p ~ .

08. As of next week, S (will have been, to be, had been, was) section director for six


09. If you (have liked, were liked, had liked, would like) to reserve a banquet room,

10. (consumers, consume, consumption, consuming) of all ages and lifestyles V ~ .

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