

※ 5월 정기토익 대비 토익의 추억 001 ※

윤효식 | 조회 2930 | 추천 0
  • 2005.05.23
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
토익의 추억 1

다음을 곰곰이 생각해 보세요. 그리고 정답을 답글로 a,b,c,d의 꼴로 올려주세요.

답글이 많으면 많을수록 빨리 동영상 해설강의를 올립니다.

그럼, now please....!

01. our customer's (complete, all, totally, wholly) satisfaction is our main goal.

02. advised people to invest more time and effort in choosing and planning

   (their, them, they, theirs) careers.

03. Unless building residents strongly (objecting, object, to object, objecting), ~

04. Try to ensure that the comment forms are (accurately, precisely, readily, softly)

    available at the service desk.

05. (Regarding, regardless, regard, regarded) of the weight of the order, S + V.

06. Because of the (failure, ruin, fault, risk) of contamination, S + V.

07. The measure of how well the company has (outpaced, recovered, outperformed,

    overwhelmed) from its economic difficulties.

08. S + V ~, (besides, as well, in addition, except) requiring a large capital

    investment.  ('~이외에도'의 의미를 만들려면?)

09. My colleague and I (is, am, are, was) preparing ~.

10. Candy is no longer (availability, available, avail, availably) ~.

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