

점프UP! 토익어휘-실전어휘문제14

이상길 | 조회 2715 | 추천 0
  • 2005.07.18
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
* 7월 정기시험이 또 일주일 앞으로 다가왔습니다. 컨디션 관리 잘하시구요.

   꼬리말로 답글을 달아주세요.

1. If a country has a_______________currency, importers and exporters may have to

    keep changing the prices of their goods.

    a)swimming        b)flying             c)flowing                d)floting

2. Some countries try to be_____________in certain commodities  so that they are not

    dependent on importes.

    a)economic             b)sufficient             c)self-sufficient         d)self-financing

3. It's better to start exporting on a small_________and then expand if things go well.

    a)measure          b)measurement              c)scale          d)rate

4. Because of high shipping costs, it made more sense to_________a manufacturer

    to produce our range of furniture.

     a)license              b)lease               c)control             d)handle

5.The government has imposed protective tariffes to stop the___________of cheap

    imports which threatened to destroy domestic industries.

     a)rain            b)famine           c)flood                 d)storm

6. Some manufactures were accused of________, in other words selling goods

    abroad at a low price than they sold domestically.

     a)dumping           b)revaluing               c)flooding              d)devaluation

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