

점프UP! 토익어휘-실전어휘문제 13

이상길 | 조회 3176 | 추천 0
  • 2005.07.07
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
꼬리말로 답글을 달아 주세요.

1.We have a policy of ______our own employees first for any vacancies.

    a)thingking        b)considering          c)asking      d)telling

2. As part of the________process, Personnel check each applicant's

    qualifications before considering them for interview.

    a)monitoring          b)warning        c)screening         d)forecasting

3. Tests are used to measure the applicant's__________________for the job.

    a)attitude             b)success        c)discrimination          d)aptitude.

4. Many countries, such as the United States and Canada are_____

    dependent  on international trade.

    a)favorably        b)heavily        c)perfectly           d)grossly

5. The fact that labor cost are lower in other countries________us at  a

     tremendous disadvantage.

    a)makes           b)does                c)puts                 d)sells

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