
해커스편입 2024 0원 올인원패스

점프UP!토익어휘-실전어휘문제 18

이상길 | 조회 3889 | 추천 0
  • 2005.08.08
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
꼬리말로 답글을 많이 많이 달아주세요.

실제 시험을 보는 것처럼 2분안에 문제를 풀어보세요.

1. The task  of the public relations department is to project the right___________

    of a company.

    a)painting                 b)image                 c)picture               d)drawing

2. When the product was launched they issued a press_____________

     to all the new agencies.

    a)eacape             b)issue                c)release           d)promotion

3. According to the code of practice, a public relations officer should not

    knowingly_____________false information.

    a)disseminate       b)dissociate          c)dispose         d)dissolve

4. Some companies entertain journalists more_______________than others.

    a)almost           b)largely        c) nearly             d)lavishly

5. The use of such things as logos and color_____________helps to maintain

    corporate indentity

    a)schemes      b)systems             c)styles                 d)fashions

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[게시판 이용 안내 및 권리침해신고 자세히 보기]

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