

점프UP! 토익어휘-실전어휘문제 15

이상길 | 조회 3632 | 추천 1
  • 2005.07.21
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
꼬리말로 답글을 달아 주세요.^^

1. The technical______for electrical equipment can vary from country to country.

    a)justification             b)rules                c)specifications    d)uniforms

2. Many goods coming here are subject_________________customs duty.

     a)for               b)to          c)of                     d)with

3.The person the goods are sent to is called a ______________.

   a)consignor       b)consignee        c)commissoiner    d)master

4. She looked at the_________to check where the goods were produced.

     a)certificate of origin  b)test certificate   c)postmark     d)trade mark

5. Because of the recession, several ships have been laid___________.

    a)off             b)out               c)down                  d)up

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