
해커스편입 2024 0원 올인원패스

점프UP!토익어휘-실전어휘문제 25

이상길 | 조회 3831 | 추천 0
  • 2005.10.13
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
10월달 시험도 일주일 밖에 남지 않았습니다.

가을 곡식처럼 풍성한 수확이 있는 한달이 되기를 바랍니다.

꼬리말로 답글을 달아주세요.

1. Depending on the result of the ballot, they may_________________a strike.

    a)name               b)call                  c)make                    d)do

2. If they work to_____________, the job might not be completed on time.

    a)rule                  b)order                 c)rules                  d)regulations

3.The increase will be_______on employess agreeing to a scheme to improve


   a)linked                 b)connected               c)dependent       d)joined

4. We've decided to recommend a half-day________strike in support of our claim.

    a)voucher            b)token                        c)binding               d)party

5. As the unions have concentrated on the lower-paid workers in previous

    negotions, ______________have been eroded.

    a)difference              b)definitions           c)demonstrations    d)differentials.

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