
해커스편입 2024 0원 올인원패스


이상길 | 조회 3400 | 추천 0
  • 2005.09.26
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
Choose the best alternative to complete each sentence

꼬리말로 답글을 달아주세요.

실전어휘문제를 프린트해서 해설집과 함께 모아두시면 훌륭한 어휘집이 된답니다.

먼지가 쌓이듯 꾸준히, 그리고 조금씩 정리해보세요.

1.Where there was a closed___________agreement an employer could not hire

   non-union wokers.

   a)shop                        b)work                c)factory              d)business

2.Talks must take place witihn the_________of the national agreement.

   a)network                    b)contest             c)framework           d)system

3. We feel that benefits should at least keep__________with inflation

    a)step                       b)still                    c)place              d)pace

4.They proposed to minimize the effect of redundancy by relying on natural________.

   a)wastage                  b)waste              c)disposable             d)wasting away

5. With__________bargaining the unions negotiate on behalf of groups of workers,

    not individuals.

    a)collected                 b)collection             c)collective          d)collecting

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