

동명사와 to부정사 문제들

곽진경 | 조회 11936 | 추천 0
  • 2005.09.12
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

Hi!! Hackers Toeickers!

다음 문제들 (모두 준동사에 관한 문제들임)  정답 달아주셈!


1.The buyer has gone to Italy                  the new summer design.

 (a) for selecting     (b) for having selected     (c) for to select   (d) to select


2. If somebody is looking for a job, it is            checking the want ads in the newspaper.

 (a) worth     (b) valuable    (c)expensive   (d)necessary


3. Jamie has  a hard time                    people, specially when they speak fast.

(a) understanding    (b) to understand     (c) knowing   (d) to know


4. The supervisor would like              to finish the assignments before the deadline.

(a) they   (b) them   (c) their     (d) theirs



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