

명사 관련 문제들

곽진경 | 조회 12716 | 추천 0
  • 2005.12.23
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소


Hi!!!! Hackers Toeickers!!

여러분! 그동안 개인 사정으로 칼럼이 넘 뜸했던 점 사과드림다.

다시 오랜만에 새론 맘으로.......아자! 명사 관련 문제들 함 풀어 보죠.

답은??? 아시죠? 꼬리글로 먼저 달아주삼.   


1. The subject of Legal Conditions of International Business teaches the students the basic legal        which are relevant in international business such as legal barriers  of entering foreign markets, and the resolution of international disputes.

(A) issuing       (B) issuable    (C) issues    (D) issuer


2. The government has every (A)confident that the (B)new simplified (C)customs tariff will bring a positive change for the (D)importing countries.


3. I hope you (A)understand we have spent over 30 hours (B)working on the project (C)without the requesting (D)compensation.


4. The Sheradon hotel chain, which has hotels (A)throughout Europe, offers (B)a range of excellent services (C)for the business (D)traveling.


5. If you are not satisfied (A)with any item you purchased, please (B)bring it back with your (C)receipt and you can get (D) refund.        

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