

점프UP! 토익어휘-실전어휘문제 63

이상길 | 조회 7939 | 추천 0
  • 2007.07.11
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소



여름방학 잘보내고 계십니까?  7월시험도 얼마남지 않았습니다.

좋은 결과 있으시길바랍니다.



41. Please note that all borrowed books from Central Library will be_____ four weeks from the checkout date

a)owing                b)payable               c)mature                d)due

42. Use this account to take _______of premium rates on your higher balances.

a)service               b)merit          c)advantage             d)improvement

43. While the parent company would be called Altria Group, Philip Morris USA would ______ their current names.

a)receive               b)retain                  c)acquire                d)grant

44. When traveling overseas, there are a number of ________ that you should follow in order to travel safely.

a)terms          b)abilities              c)guidelines             d)precautions.

45. PMG is a leading national provider of crisis consulting and ________ replacement staffing services.

a)minor         b)duplicate              c)temporary             d)lengthy



41. Please note that all borrowed books from Central Library will be_____ four weeks from the checkout date

a)owing                b)payable               c)mature                d)due


b)지불해야할 ex)account payable 지불계정 ex)account receivable 미납계정

c)성숙한, 만기의 cf)maturity 만기일

d)반납기한이 된, 마감일이 된, 예정일이 된 cf)due to(전치사)-에 때문에

*check out 대출하다, checkout date 대출일

*note -을 명심하다

*모든 ‘Central Library’에서 빌린 책들은 대출일로부터 4주후에 마감기간이 되는 것을 명심하세요.


42. Use this account to take _______of premium rates on your higher balances.

a)service               b)merit          c)advantage             d)improvement

*take advantage of -를 이용하다.

*premium rate 우대금리 cf)simple rates 단리, compound rates 복리

*balance 잔고, 균형, 저울

*당신의 많은 잔고에 대한 우대금리를 이용하실 수 있는 이 계좌를 개설하세요.


43. While the parent company would be called Altria Group, Philip Morris USA would ______ their current names.

a)receive               b)retain                  c)inquire                d)grant

a)받다, 수령하다


c)얻다, 획득하다

d)주다, 수여하다 *명사로 ‘보조금’이라는 뜻이 있음

*parent company 모기업

*모기업은  ‘Altria Group’라고 불리워지는 반면에, ‘Philip Morris USA’는 현재의 이름을 유지할 것이다.


44. When traveling overseas, there are a number of ________ that you should follow in order to travel safely.

a)terms          b)abilities              c)guidelines             d)precautions.

a)조건, 기간, 임기, 용어



d)주의, 경계, 예방조치


 45. PMG is a leading national provider of crisis consulting and ________ replacement staffing services.

a)minor         b)duplicate              c)temporary             d)lengthy


b)두통의, 복사, 두통 cf)in duplicate 2 통씩


d)다소 긴

*leading 선도하는, 일류의

*crisis consulting 위기관리 대처

*replacement 대체, 교체

*PMG는 위기관리 대처와, 임시 직원 충원서비스를 제공하는 국내최고의 기업입니다.



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