

점프UP! 토익어휘-실전어휘문제 56

이상길 | 조회 4657 | 추천 0
  • 2007.05.22
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

실전변형어휘문제 두번째 시간입니다.

문제를 먼저 푸시고 해설보세요. 틀린 어휘는 노트에 꼭 정리하시고 발음한번 찾아보시구요.

오늘도 승리하는 하루 되시길 바랍니다.^^


6. The company has not received payment for the_________balance of $20,000.

 a)insolvent             b)prominent             c)contingent             d)outstanding

7. Today, many companies _________ employees for their parking costs. Now, businesses have an opportunity to help their bus-riding employees as well.

a)resume               b)retrieve               c)reimburse             d)relocate

8. It's a traditional, common courtesy for American workers to _______ resignation notice to their employers, at least two weeks in advance of quitting their jobs

a)remit                  b)omit                  c)submit                d)commit

9.For your safety and comfort we have provided baggage ___________ for each class of

  service. Please be sure to put identification tags or labels on your baggage, and   

 include full contact information packed inside

a)permit                  b)approval              c)allowance            d)consent

10. Please complete an online confidential evaluation ______ in a simple 5-step process

a)receipt                b)form                  c)bill                   d)claim


6. The company has not received payment for the_________balance of $20,000.

 a)insolvent             b)prominent     c)contingent     d)outstanding(정답)

 a)채무등이 지불 불가능한

 b)탁월한, 월등한

 c)on과 함께 주로 사용되어 -의 여부에 달려있는, 부수적인

 d)미지급금액이 있는, 채무가 있는 =overdue, delinquent

   outstanding achievement 라고 사용되면 ‘훌륭한 공로’로 번역하세요^^

 *회사는 20,000의 미수금을 아직까지 수령하지 못했다.

7. Today, many companies _________ employees for their parking costs. Now, businesses have an opportunity to help their bus-riding employees as well.

a)resume               b)retrieve               c)reimburse(정답)        d)relocate

a)명사로는 ‘레쥬메’라고 발음하며 이력서 동사는‘리쥼’이고 다시 시작하다라는 뜻

b)복원하다, 다시 불러오다.

c)환급해주다, 주차비용을 환급해주다 이렇게 번역을 하시면 되겠죠?^^


*오늘날 많은 회사들은 직원들의 주차비용을 환급해준다.

8. It's a traditional, common courtesy for American workers to _______ resignation notice to their employers, at least two weeks in advance of quitting their jobs

a)remit                  b)omit          c)submit(정답)           d)commit

a)송금하다 remit the money. 돈을 송금하다. 세금등을 면제하다.

b)생략하다=leave out도 같은 뜻입니다.

c)서류 등을 제출하다. submit resignation notice 사직통보서를 제출하다.

d)범죄 등을 저지르다. ex) commit a crime, commit a suicide 자살을 하다.

9.For your safety and comfort we have provided baggage ___________ for each class of

  service. Please be sure to put identification tags or labels on your baggage, and   

 include full contact information packed inside

a)permit                  b)approval             c)allowance (정답)     d)consent

a)허가증 ex)a parking permit 주차증, a fishing permit 낚시 허가증

b)승인. 찬성

c)허가받은 양, baggage allowance 수화물 휴대량-숙어처럼 외워두세요.

d)동의 승락

10. Please complete an online confidential evaluation ______ in a simple 5-step process

a)receipt                b)form(정답)     c)bill                  d)claim

a)영수. 영수증 ex)acknowledge the receipt of the letter. 편지를 받았다고 통보하다.

b)서식 ex)evaluation form 평가서식 ex)fill in/fill out/complete the form 서식을 작성하다.

c)청구서, 요금, 법안

d)이의제기, 불만제기, 주장하다, 이의를 제기하다.

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