

팟 5 쉽게 푸는 요령(2)

김 수 | 조회 9687 | 추천 0
  • 2006.05.04
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
< 팟 5 쉽게 푸는 요령 2 >

6. 동사(또는, to부정사) + 목적어(명사) 다음에 블랭크가 있으면 부사를 선택한다.  거의 매달 나오는 유형이다.

ex) In fact, within two years, it is not unusual for a management trainee to receive multiple promotions and increase his or her income _____.

(A) substantiation

(B) substantial

(C) substantiate

(D) substantially  ad. 상당히

ex) Please fasten your seat belt _____ and bring back the rest of your seat to its vertical position.

(A) security

(B) secure

(C) secured

(D) securely   ad. 단단히

ex) Please provide all of the  information as _____ as possible to enable your request to be properly processed.

(A) clear

(B) clearer

(C) clarity

(D) clearly  ad. 명백히

↳ 동급비교인 as~as 사이에는 형용사 아니면 부사가 온다. (첫번째 as를 없다고 생각하고 be 동사 다음에는 형용사를, 완전한 문장다음에는 부사를 고른다.)

7. 현재완료(have/has~p.p)사이나 수동태(be~p.p)사이에 블랭크가 있으면 부사를 선택한다.

ex) Military spending cuts have _____ impacted manufacturing business in the United States.

(A) strong

(B) strongly  ad. 강력히

(C) strength

(D) strengthen

ex) The report was _____ written and must be reviewed and redone.

(A) poor

(B) poorly   ad. 부진하게, 서투르게

(C) poorest

(D) poorer

ex) All the plants inside and outside the office need to be watered _____.

(A) period

(B) periodical

(C) periodic

(D) periodically  ad. 정기적으로

8. 조동사(can, must, should, do, did, may...)와 동사원형 사이에 블랭크가 있으면 부사를 선택한다.

ex) This rebate offer is only available with the purchae of a new Novatel modern and the customer must _____ maintain OmniSky Wireless Service a minimum of six months.

(A) continue

(B) continuation

(C) continuous

(D) continuously  ad. 지속적으로

9. 주어와 동사사이에 블랭크가 있으면 부사를 선택한다.

ex) The club's nine versatile meeting and banquet rooms _____ accommodate a small executive meeting of ten or a large reception of five hundred.

(A) beauty

(B) beautiful

(C) beautifully  ad. 뛰어나게, 훌륭하게

(D) beautify

10. 명사 앞에 블랭크가 있으면 형용사를 선택한다.

ex) This Bed & Breakfast house can provide comfortable accommodations at  a _____ price.

(A) reasonable  a. 합리적인

(B) reason

(C) reasonably

(D) reasoning

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