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The World's Problem on Food Waste

Food waste includes edible items that get spoiled, discarded, or uneaten. The high amount of food that ends up being wasted is one of the biggest problems that the world has to face today. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, the global volume of food waste collected annually amounts to 1.3 billion tons, and this is estimated to be a third of the total amount of food produced. The FAO expects the problem to worsen in the future as the human population is foreseen to increase from 7.6 to 9.8 billion by 2050. The more people are, the more food may be produced.

Recent statistical data reveal that around 45 percent of all fruits and vegetables, 35 percent of fish and other seafood products, 30 percent of cereals and cereal-based products like pasta, and 20 percent of dairy and meat products end up as food waste.

This happens because of a variety of reasons. One reason is the natural limitations of food storage. Food products have designated shelf lives, and if they are not consumed before they go bad, they end up being thrown away. Another reason is the standards that the food industry has to follow in food production. Many food companies already produce food waste even before they begin making their actual products. As early as the procurement of raw materials, manufacturers already discard the ingredients that do not pass their standards. More food waste is produced during the actual food production process until it reaches the consumer.

Experts say that the management of food waste greatly relies on major food manufacturers. However, ordinary people can also help solve the problem if they do certain adjustments in their own households. While big food companies are encouraged to reduce food waste by modifying their systems and resources to decrease food waste, people are also encouraged to modify their attitude towards food purchasing and storage.

People are encouraged to avoid overstoring food, especially perishable ones. Moreover, people should be smart about their food choices and be responsible enough to only get food portions that they can consume. An average person is said to produce around 100 pounds of food waste every year. However, this can significantly decrease if people develop the healthy habit of eating correct food portions and consuming food before they go bad or spoil. Being conscious about the food waste that one may produce even before a food item is purchased or a dish is prepared can make a big difference.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. How bad is the world’s problem on food waste?


2. What are some causes of the problem on food waste?


3. How can ordinary people help solve the world’s problem on food waste?


4. Explain the meaning of the underlined part.


discard 폐기하다/

billion 10억/

foresee 예견하다/

cereal 곡류, 곡물/

designated 지정된/

shelf life 유통 기한/

procurement 조달/

adjustment 수정/

modify 수정하다/

perishable 잘 상하는

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