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Dauntless Doubles

Acting is often perceived as a lucrative job because of the huge pay that actors get for playing different roles in movies and television. However, acting can be a dangerous profession because actors put themselves in harm’s way psychologically and physically every time they take on a new role. Many things could happen on the set. Stunts could go wrong, and accidents could happen.

A stunt is an exciting and often dangerous act that is usually performed by someone who is professionally trained. Because stunts are often hazardous, many actors opt to have a stunt double to perform risky acts, like jumping out of a moving train or engaging in a swordfight, for them.

A stunt double is a trained professional used for dangerous film sequences in movies and television. They serve as substitutes to actors. Just like cooks, trainers, dressers, and assistants, a stunt double usually becomes a permanent part of an actor’s crew and works as the lead’s double from one movie to the next. Though stunt doubles are common, some actors like Jackie Chan and Lee Min-ho always perform their own stunts or do stunts themselves whenever they can.

There are a number of things that stunt double aspirants must satisfy. Aside from being physically fit, they must first have a background in sports like gymnastics, martial arts, horseback riding, motorcycle racing, racecar driving, and so on. They are even encouraged to enroll in a stunt school. Aspirants may be skilled in a specific area, but once they become stunt doubles, they still need to constantly train, especially in areas that they are not familiar with, in order for them to become marketable.

Moreover, an aspirant must be fearless because no matter how dangerous scenes are, they have to be executed well. Although they are not considered actors, stunt doubles also need to know their lead actors’ body language and mannerisms in order to convince the audience. To a certain degree, stunt doubles also have to be a lookalike of their lead counterpart.

Although stunt doubles get handsomely paid, stunt doubles are often overlooked. Moviegoers often attribute the success of films and TV series to the actors’ skills in acting. Every year, the stunt community in the U.S. holds protests for them to be given a special category in the Academy Awards. Giving them the long overdue category may be a good way to validate all their efforts and contributions to the entertainment industry.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. What is the importance of stunt doubles?

2. How can an aspirant qualify to become a stunt double?

3. What kind of recognition to stunt doubles get for their hard work?


lucrative 돈이 되는, 수익성이 좋은/

opt to ~하기로 선택하다/

double 대역 배우/

aspirant 염원하는 사람/

marketable 시장성이 있는/

mannerism 버릇/

counterpart 상대, 대응 인물/

handsomely 후하게/

validate 인증하다, 입증하다/

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