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The Value of Investing in Art

Art is a reflection of a certain civilization’s culture in the changing times. Among the oldest categories of art include music, visual arts, and literature. Making art and restoring it requires a lot of resources.

Because of the many issues that need attention in our society, the value of art and whether it still serves its purpose is being questioned.

Art supporters and enthusiasts say that art is an important component of society. Children being raised in a world without art is unimaginable. Appreciating it is relaxing as much as it is entertaining. The world would be a stressful place without it. Engaging in art is a good learning experience for artists, too.

It is a form of expression and it communicates messages from generation to generation in ways that are not expressed in books. It allows mankind to experience and understand the world through the senses. Aside from that, art is a way for an artist to make the audience see the world through his or her eyes.

Last but not the least, the industry of art is multifaceted. Not only does art entertain, it generates revenue for a lot of professionals like screenwriters, musicians, architects, fashion designers, painters, and many more. The collapse of this industry will be detrimental to a country’s economy and to the morale of artists.

Others who oppose art say that it is a waste of time, money, and resources. Investing in art does not guarantee return of investment. For example, a painter or a photographer has a piece of art for sale. The time it takes to be sold is never guaranteed. It may not even be sold at all.

It is not easy to find a stable job that pays if you’re an artist. That is why, art should not be a profession, just a hobby. For instance, the competition is cutthroat in the music and entertainment industry. In contrast to other kinds of jobs, sometimes a career in these industries depends on luck and timing.

Lastly, many people say that this is not a time for art. With all the events happening around us, art becomes impractical. The divide between the rich and the poor is getting wider, and only the rich can afford art. Art does not bring food to the table and cure diseases. There are other issues that deserve more attention and funding like science and research.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

Debate: The Value of Investing in Art

Art is a reflection of mankind’s civilization. The creation and preservation of art can be costly. With other more important issues happening in the world, debates on the value of investing in art arise. Do you agree that investing in art is still useful in today’s society?

In favor
1. Art is entertaining, relaxing, and it promotes learning.
2. It is a form of expression.
3. Art creates jobs for professionals and helps the economy.

1. Art is a waste of time, money, and resources.
2. Being an artist makes it difficult to find a stable job.
3. There are more important issues to invest our energy, time, and money in.


multifaceted 다면적인

screenwriter 시나리오 작가

detrimental 해로운

morale 사기

cutthroat 경쟁이 치열한

impractical 비현실적인

자료제공 EDU TIMES EBS english 컨텐츠 제공

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