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Denominations of Christianity
Christianity is a religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Catholicism is a denomination or a subset of Christianity. Although some people think that they are one and the same, theologians explain the difference by saying that all Catholics may be considered as Christians but not all Christians are Catholics.
Other denominations of Christianity are Protestantism, Anglicanism, Lutheranism, Presbyterianism, Methodism and a lot more. All these religions, along with Catholicism, base their practices on the Holy Bible. The difference would depend on how each denomination would define doctrines according to the nature of Jesus, church authority and other ways to express faith.
The umbrella of Christianity is recognized as the largest religion practiced by mankind. Out of the total population of humans, which is at 7 billion, 2.4 billion are known to be adherents of Christianity. Catholicism and Protestantism are the two denominations of Christianity that have the most followers. Although these two religions are based on the same teachings, ways on how Catholics and Protestants proclaim their faith are very different.
Catholics believe that the Pope is the Vicar of Jesus Christ. They see that Pope as the supreme head of the Church and a stand-in for Jesus Christ. On the other hand, Protestants do not believe that any human can be at par with Jesus Christ’s supremacy and holiness. They believe that Jesus Christ is the lone head of the Church.
The places of worship for the two religions are also very different from one another. Catholic churches are big cathedrals that have statues of saints and other religious symbols. Catholics have these because they serve as visual representations of what Catholics believe in. Protestants do not have statues and other religious symbols in their places of worship. They believe that these things are forms of idolatry.
Catholics also have the seven sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, the Eucharist, Penance, Matrimony, Anointing of the Sick and Holy Orders. They believe that being able to go through these sacraments will make a person holy and that it is a way to achieve salvation from God. For Protestants, they also honor the importance of being baptized and married in the presence of the church however, they do not see it as a way to worship God. Protestants believe that only one’s strong faith will lead to salvation.
The other denominations of Christianity also have different ways of expressing faith. Some are closer to the practices of Catholics while others follow Protestant approaches. Theologians say that the difference of practices under Christianity was brought about by the different interpretations of the Holy Bible but ultimately, all Christians believe in the same God.

1 What is Christianity?
2 What are some of the differences between Catholicism and Protestantism?
3 Why are there different religious practices among Christian religions?
4 Explain the meaning of the underlined part.

denomination 교파
theologian 신학자
doctrine 교리
proclaim 선언하다, 선포하다
stand-in 대리인
idolatry 우상숭배
penance 속죄
salvation 구원