

에세이고쳐줘요급해요 고수님들

에세이고쳐줘요급해요 | 조회 830 | 추천 1
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Mistaking Leap



Have you ever made a stupid mistake in public stage? Maybe it could be unforgettable memory in your life. You might feel ashamed, embarrassed and nervous. But you will get a lesson that you learned from it.

In the fifth grade, I participated in Piano competition in School and I was chosen for representative player of our school. I considered this as an honor because there were a lot of students who participated for this competition.

I spent several weeks practicing the piano score and thought about what to prepare. I was quite excited about it too. My mom also helped me with preparing clothes. She particularly bought a beautiful black dress and boots for me. I couldn’t sleep well and kept my eyes opened lying in the bed for some.

At last, the day finally came. The competition was only an hour left. I had strong confidence in finishing playing the piano skillfully as I prepared and waited on this music. This was my first public performance in front of overwhelming audience. But at the same time, I couldn’t help that I was so nervous. What can I do if I make small mistake?

My turn finally came. The chairman called my name and the music title. I breathed deeply and went over the stage. There were thousands of eyes looking at me, watching me. What can I do? I thought. I was already standing in front of the piano. I sat down and started playing the piano. The beginning was smooth. I continued playing and I was involved in it. Suddenly I was confused at the middle part. I repeated a part for two times. And I had no idea what to do. I was just thinking what can I do? Do I have to finish playing right here? Will my first performance end like this way? Or is there some good solution to solve this situation? Help me, God.

I couldn’t help myself, music stopped for few minutes. I felt as if entire audience, including the parents, friends, and other people are staring at me and talking in whispers. My tears nearly came out. There were clap coming under the stage. I turned my head and found my mom and mom’s friends clapping. Yes, that’s right. In entire audience, I was so astonished to find them just be glancing once. And more, the stage was erupted in applause. I could tell they were all encouraging me to start again.

I stood, facing them, bowed towards them and started playing once again. I was really enthused and focused on my last chance playing it. All I could do is keeping my mind in composure and concentrating. At last, I succeed in playing. The second response was unbelievable. All audience unexpectedly gave me a standing ovation. I was nearly grateful to death for their small encouraging gift. And more, I was praised for the first prize and trophy. Among so many participants in this competition, I was the first one even though there was a mistake in it.

The mistake would bring you the more chance, the more opportunity, and at last bring you success. It would be grateful lesson that I ever learned by making mistake.


내일까지에요 ㅠㅠㅠ 고치고 메일로 복사해서 보내주세요 


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