
└오늘의영어속담 생활의 지혜가 묻어나는 속담을 영어로 학습하며 다양한 표현을 익혀보세요.


Home is where the heart is.
“Home is where the heart is” means that when you are with the people you love, it doesn’t matter where you are; even distant places can become comfortable.


“Traveling to a new country will be difficult. Are you sure you won’t be homesick?”
“Well, I’m going with my girlfriend and you know what they say, home is where the heart is!


www.Hackers.co.kr 본 자료는 해커스영어에서 제공했습니다.

본 자료를 권한 없이 무단으로 복제, 배포, 전송하거나 영리활동 등에 사용하는 경우

해커스는 예고 없이 민·형사상 조치를 취할 수 있습니다.

번호 제목 날짜 조회
>> Home is where the heart is. 2024-12-10 27392
6 Don’t give up the ship. 2024-12-08 27493
5 All good things come to those who wait. 2024-12-06 29741
4 Blood is thicker than water. 2024-12-04 27644
3 The bigger they are, the harder they fall. 2024-12-02 28011
2 You can’t fit a round peg in a square hole. 2024-11-30 29723
1 Once bitten, twice shy. 2024-11-28 24736

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