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Equal Paternity and Maternity Leave Privileges

Employed women who just gave birth are given the privilege to have time off from work to recover from the delivery of the child and to adjust to the new set-up of having a neonate. The maternity leave entitles the woman a certain number of paid weeks off from work. The length of time allowance depends on the company and state policies.

For men on the other hand, they are also allowed to take a paternity leave but in several cases, they are only allowed to go on leave unpaid for a few days or a few weeks.

This situation is seen by some, especially men, to be unfair so they are asking for equal maternity and paternity leave privileges for employees. Those who support the proposal say that the mother and the father have equal roles in childrearing, so they should be given the same amount of time off from work to spend with their new born.

They also say that adjustment and recovery of the woman will be faster and easier if the man is around to help her. Together, they can sort out things that need to be done and they can carefully fix their plans as parents because they are given the time to do so.

It will also work best for the child because both the mother and father will be around to care for him or her during the most crucial stage of his or her life. The child develops a special bond with both parents.

Those who oppose the proposal say that it is unnecessary for men to have the same amount of time off from work because they did not go through the physical stress of giving birth and they do not have to breastfeed the child. The main reason for the long maternity leave is for the woman to recover physically.

Another point made by opponents is that if men leave work the same amount of time as women, then that would mean a big decrease in the income. Having a new baby would mean having more expenses so they will need all the money they can get.

Lastly, it is too soon for the child to know that the father is around during its first few weeks. Father and child bonding will work better if the child develops an understanding of the world like during toddler stage or later.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

Debate : Equal Paternity and Maternity Leave Privileges 

Men are given shorter paternity leave privileges compared to women’s maternity leave benefits. Some are proposing to have the equal benefits for both maternity and paternity leaves. People have divided views about this issue. 


1. Men and women have equal roles in childrearing. 

2. Men can help women recover faster. 
3. Adjustments and planning can be done together. 


1. The man does not go through the same physical stress as the woman. 
2. The parents need income to provide for the child. 
3. Father-child bonding can be done in later years.


neonate 신생아

allowance 허용량

childrearing 자녀 양육

crucial 중대한

bond 유대

toddler 걸음마를 배우는 아이

자료제공 EDU TIMES EBS english 컨텐츠 제공

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