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Merits and Demerits of Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine created by Samuel Hahnemann. According to him, substances that cause the symptoms of a disease in healthy people would cure similar symptoms of sick people. Although homeopathy is not recognized by mainstream medicine, many people attest that it has cured their diseases.

The common reasons why many people choose to go with homeopathy are preference for natural products and claims that modern medicine is ineffective. However, many scientists maintain that the effectiveness of homeopathy is questionable. Others even believe that it is quackery, the promotion of fraudulent or ignorant medical practices.

Believers of homeopathy maintain that it is safer than modern medicine. It can be used on pregnant and nursing women, children, and infants. It also does not interfere with other medications like modern medicines today. Moreover, when homeopathy is administered incorrectly, it does not cause any harm on the person.

Additionally, homeopathy’s approach is holistic. It does not only treat a person’s symptoms. The approach allows the person to heal holistically starting from the body to the mind, emotions, and spirit of the person being treated.

Most importantly, many studies and testimonials prove the effectiveness of homeopathy. Many people who have tried homeopathy testify that they have cured several illnesses like hay fever, allergies, asthma, infections, tonsillitis, cough, flu, and many more. Kids who have been cured did not need to take antibiotics and other conventional medicines to get cured.

Critics of homeopathy argue that it is nothing more than a sham or a pseudoscience. Without scientific evidence, testimonials of those who have tried homeopathy are useless. Also, in countries like the U.K., the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, and Canada where it was tested, demonstrations of how it was used showed that not only were subjects unharmed but also uncured.

Moreover, the goal of homeopathy is to discredit modern medicine that is backed by scientific evidence and research. On the other hand, the effectiveness of homeopathy is not scientifically proven. At best, its effectiveness is only due to placebo effect.

Finally, homeopathy causes more harm on people who turn their backs on conventional medicine in the hope that homeopathy will heal them with no side effects. For example, many homeopaths advise parents against vaccines and recommend ineffective homeopathic pills.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

The common reasons why many people choose to go with homeopathy are preference for natural products and claims that modern medicine is ineffective. However, many scientists maintain that the effectiveness of homeopathy is questionable. Which side are you on?

1. It is safer than modern medicine.
2. Homeopathy’s approach is holistic.
3. Many people who have tried homeopathy testify that it has cured several illnesses.

1. Homeopathy is nothing more than a sham or a pseudoscience.
2. Homeopathy sets out to discredit modern medicine.
3. Homeopathy causes more harm on people who turn their backs on conventional medicine.


homeopathy 동종요법/

alternative medicine 대체 의학/

substance 물질/

infant 유아/

testimonial 증명서/

tonsillitis 편도염/

antibiotics 항생제/

discredit 신임을 떨어뜨리다/

at best 기껏해야/

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