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Can Money Buy Happiness?

Many researchers and scientists have tried to figure out what brings us happiness. And one of the most often used answers would be ‘hard, cold cash’. Indeed, in the modern democratic society, one’s financial status has much meaning.

Having a lot of money equals having great purchasing power. It gives authority and power as a consumer. There would be no need to wait in long queues in banks. The VIP teller will escort the rich to a private room. The picture is quite similar everywhere. Be it at department stores, real estate agencies, or travel agencies. Also, the people around you would treat you differently. Some would go many lengths to be your best friend, your buddy.

Going back to the fundamental question. Does this mean that money can buy you happiness? For one thing, we know how some lottery winners wound up. Both in Korea and overseas, lottery winners who became millionaires overnight have given heartbreaking interviews years later. The rollercoaster ride which started with a ton of money hit hard bumps along the way with separation between couples, entailing lawsuits, and hit rock bottom with drugs, alcohol, and some other sort of addiction.

Of course, it is a given that the wiser spenders of the lottery money do not feel the need to give interviews for morning programs. But we know so many famous legacies, celebrities, and successful business persons who do not have happy endings either. Happiness isn’t a tangible asset, and it has to come from within the person’s mind.

Then, does it mean that money can’t buy you happiness? It would be a hasty conclusion to jump to. We need money for all our daily transactions; including taking the subway, paying for bills, and grocery shopping to say the least. And who would say no to a lovely trip to the Bahamas?

Every day we read news about the underprivileged persons, who are destitute and in need of help. When we meet panhandlers on the street asking for some change, we become glad that we do not have to worry about having food on the table the next day.

Money is essential for everything. Education, health, culture and basic human necessities are purchasable in modern times.

To wrap up this debate of all times, how would you answer the question? Do you believe that money can buy you happiness, or do you have another ready answer?

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

Debate: Can Money Buy Happiness?  

Money has become a necessity in the modern era. But do you think that it can even buy happiness?  

1. If you are rich, many people want to become your friends.
2. It requires money to pay the bills, buy nice clothes and go on vacations.
3. having money means having power and authority.

1. People who like you for your money are not true friends.
2. Many rich people have poor endings.
3. True happiness comes within.


purchasing power 구매력

queue 대기 행렬 

department store 백화점

real estate agency 부동산 중개소

lawsuit 소송

transaction 거래

underprivileged 혜택을 못 받는

panhandler 걸인, 거지 

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