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Going Low on Carbs or Low on Fat?

One of the most recommended diets for weight loss is a low-carbohydrate diet. It is a diet that restricts carbohydrates, such as those found in sugary food, pasta, and bread. This diet is high in protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. Many studies have already shown that it can cause weight loss and give health benefits.

First, a low-carb diet improves blood sugar levels. Many studies have shown that it reduces fasting glucose and haemoglobin levels which are crucial for people who have metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and pre-diabetes.

Second, a low-carb diet improves blood pressure and triglyceride levels significantly which are known as risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. To be specific, studies indicate that it lowers blood pressure in obese or overweight individuals who are the ones at most risk of having heart diseases.

Third, in a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, they found that apart from test subjects showing improvement in insulin sensitivity and triglyceride levels, subjects have also reduced more weight in six months on a low-carb diet than in any other restrictive diet.

Another type of diet that is often pitted against the low-carb diet is the low-fat diet which restricts the intake of fat especially saturated fat and cholesterol. Recommended types of food for a person who goes on a low-fat diet are plenty of vegetables and moderate amounts of lean meat, dairy products, cholesterol, and carbs. This type of diet also has many benefits.

First, a low-fat diet can help people especially those with heart diseases and obesity. The calories cut from eliminating fat from a person’s diet helps in weight loss. To explain further, fat has nine calories per gram while carbohydrates and protein each has four calories per gram. This means that people on a low-fat diet can eat larger portions of food and not feel starved.

Second, a low-fat diet helps prevent heart diseases. Decreasing fat intake from 35-40 percent to 15-20 percent and decreasing LDL cholesterol by 10 to 20 percent have been proven to decrease total cholesterol by 10 to 20 percent mostly due to the reduction of saturated fat.

Lastly, apart from reducing heart diseases, low-fat food tends to be high in vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. These are all essential in fighting other types of diseases such as cancer.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

Low-carbohydrate diet and low-fat diet are two common diets recommended for weight loss and disease prevention. Both have their own strengths. Which diet do you feel would suit you better?

Low-carb Diet:
1. Low-carb diet improves blood sugar levels.
2. Low-carb diet improves blood pressure and triglyceride levels significantly.
3. More weight can be lost on a low-carb diet than in any other restrictive diet.

Low-fat Diet:
1. Low-fat diet can help people especially those with heart diseases and obesity.
2. Low-fat diet helps prevent heart diseases.
3. Low-fat food tends to be high in vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals.


carbohydrates 탄수화물

glucose 포도당

insulin 인슐린

restrictive 제한하는

pit against ~와 경쟁시키다

intake 섭취

antioxidant 항산화물질

phytochemical 식물 속에 함유된 화학물질

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