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페이스북 보내기 트위터 보내기 친구들에게 공유하기

Cohabitation over Marriage

Choosing cohabitation over marriage is a rising trend in Western countries which is also making its way into certain parts of Asia. This trend from the early 90s where couples practiced premarital cohabitation, a condition where they test the waters before making a lifelong commitment, turned into a new trend of not getting married at all.

Most couples who chose to cohabit say that they do it for convenience. They get the same advantages of marriage, without being legally controlled by the state and forced by religion to stay together. Couples can still live together, have children, and buy properties together. They also say that marriage is just a formality that ends up complicating things.

Proponents of cohabitation add that it works best for people who cannot yet get married. It is also the best option for those who do not believe in marriage. Several reasons make couples unprepared for it, such as financial instability, career demands, or the simple reason that they are not yet emotionally ready to tie the knot. However, these people can still choose to live together to make their relationship work and build a family for their children. In fact, some people believe that cohabiting couples should be commended for making the choice to live together despite not being married.

Cohabitation has a negative stigma in many societies, and many religions see it as a sin. Some even say that choosing to cohabit manifests a couple’s lack of moral principles and respect for the sanctity of marriage. However, supporters of cohabitation say that choosing to live with a partner has nothing to do with the state or any religion. It is a product of humans acting on a basic need to live with their significant other and family.

Opponents of cohabitation defend their stance by saying that it is a risky act that does not provide legal protection for couples, and more importantly, their offspring. In the event of a separation, properties acquired cannot be fairly divided because they are not conjugal assets, and children are considered illegitimate.

They add that cohabiting couples deviate from societal norms which create a negative notion for future generations. Every person should remember that marriage is a state of being in a lifetime union with another person by choice. It is more meaningful than cohabitation.

On the other hand, couples cohabit merely for the convenience of having a physical union. Marriage offers something deeper – emotional and spiritual commitment that should last forever.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

There are more couples these days who prefer to cohabit instead of getting married. This is a trend that has stirred a controversy that made people take different sides. Some are in favor of cohabitation while others are not. What is your stance?

1. Cohabitation gives the same benefits as marriage does.
2. Cohabitation works best for those who do not believe or are not yet ready for marriage.
3. Cohabiting couples should be commended for staying together despite not being married.

1. Cohabitation has a negative stigma in many societies, and many religions see it as a sin.
2. It does not provide legal protection for couples and more importantly, their offspring.
3. Marriage offers a deeper meaning to a couple’s union as it requires a lifelong commitment.


premarital 혼전의

convenience 편리

commend 칭찬하다, 인정하다

stigma 오명

sanctity 신성함, 존엄성

conjugal 부부의

illegitimate 변칙적인, 서출의

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