

Day 26. I know it's~

영어하는양꼬치 | 조회 530 | 추천 2
  • 2018.12.28
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

Day 26. I know it's ~

I know it's
I know it's
I know it's
I know it's

I know it's over.
I know it's wrong.
I know it's right.
I know it's difficult.
I know it's crazy.
I know it's silly.
I know it's too late.
I know it's too early.
I know it's too dangerous.
I know it's too loud.
I know it's too risky.
I know it's too easy.
I know it's over.

I know it's too small.
I know it's too expensive.
I know it's too cold outside.
I know it's too high.
I know it's too vast.
I know it's really reasonable.
I know it's too much big.
I know it's too heavy.

I brought a box of apples.
They are so many but sweet.
I eat it everyday.
I'm on eatting also.
I know it's too many.
However they are getting bad.
Maybe getting worse and worse.
I know it was too late to give someone them.
I wish I were a pig.
I was thinking about eating apples everyday.
I was asked to be clear.
I was no longer eating apples.
I exhausted eating apples.
I'm afraid I eat apples too much.
But, I'm used to eating apples.

5. review

Aren't you cold?
Aren't you hot?
Aren't you warm?
Aren't you hungry?
Aren't you full?
Aren't you thirsty?
Aren't you tired?
Aren't you worried?
Aren't you interested?
Aren't you sleepy?
Aren't you happy?
Arn't you sad?

I'm sorry to do this.
I'm sorry to say this.
I'm sorry to hear this.
I'm sorry to bother you.
I'm sorry to hurt you.
I'm sorry to call you.
I'm sorry I'm late.
I'm sorry I'm busy.
I'm sorry I'm sick.
I'm sorry I can't help you.
I'm sorry I can't join you.
I'm sorry I can't come.

I'm on it.
I'm on vacation.
I'm on tour.
I'm on a break.
I'm on a diet.
I'm on a date.
I'm on my way.
I'm on my own.
I'm on my trip.
I'm on the phone.
I'm on the job.
I'm on the road.

-Did you say sorry to him?
-No. He ;s already gone. It was too late to apologize.

It was too late eat.
It was too late to work out.
It was too late to go back.
It was too late to text him.
It was too late to get a refund.
It was too late to drink coffee.

-I'm so worried. I think our presentation is too short.
-Don't worry. It's about how we do it.

It's about how you feel.
It's about how good you are.
It's about how you react.
It's abut how much you practice.

-I'm so tired. I want to give up.
-It's important to keep trying. Keep going.

It's important to remembe.
It's important to forgive.
It's importnat to ask questions.
It's important to practice.
It's important to keep exercising.
It's important to pay attention.

-The weather is really nice here.
-It's raining here. I wish I were there.

I wish I were you.
I wish I were in New York.
I wish I were a bird.
I wish I were a with my friends.

-I didn't know you were going to leave?
-Sorry, I was thinking about telling you.

I was thinking about telling you.
I was thinking about going back.
I was thinking about starting a business.
I was thinking about going out.

I wasn't supposed to see this.
I wasn't supposed to know about it.
I wasn't supposed to say this.
I wasn't supposed to eat much.
I wasn't supposed to be at home.

I was supposed to be here.
I was supposed to go home today.
I was supposed to have it.
I was supposed to park here.
I was supposed to contact my friend.

I was asked to leave.
I was asked to help out.
I was asked to make coffee.
I was asked to come early.

I was no longer a child.
I was no longer working here.
I was no longer a student.
I was no longer alone.

Are you planning to stay there?
Are you planning to travel?
Are you planning to change this?

Are you talking about us?
Are you talking about the movie?
Are you talking aobut the song?

I'm talking about meeting her in Seoul.
I'm talking about traveling.
I'm talking about studying English.
I'm talking about sports.
I'm talking about my laptop.

I'm not saying you should leave.
I'm not saying you I'm always right.
I'm not saying I'm it'll be easy.
I'm not saying it'll be difficult.
I'm not saying you should go.

I'm saying I'm sorry.
I'm saying I'm worried.
I'm saying I don't understand.
I'm saying it's my dream.

Are you sure you have a plan?
Are you sure want to move?
Are you sure want to quit?
Are you sure can finish it?
Are you sure you have a goal?

I'm not sure I can do this.
I'm not sure I can understand this.
I'm not sure it's possible.
I'm not sure we can go in here.
I'm not sure what do you think?
I'm not sure what I'll do?

I'm afraid I can't help you.
I'm afraid I don't have amy time.
I'm afraid the food is too cold.
I'm afraid it's raining outside.
I'm afraid the steak is too cold.
I'm afraid I have to get back to the office.

I'm used to you.
I'm used to the noise.
I'm used to the cold.
I'm used to the accent.
I'm used to wearing a suit.



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