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Funny question

Jeff | 조회 775 | 추천 0
  • 2020.12.16
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
When I was a little, one of my questions I was eager to have THE answer of is a dual fight between a tiger and a lion. 
Maybe, it is still a question frequently asked on Internet. 
According to the information I could find out, the winner is a tiger 6 times out of 10. 
Actually, the dual fight would never happen because their habitats are completely different for example, a tiger lives in the jungle and a lion in the savanna. 
But it still remains a fascinating question for curious people.  
As to which one I prefer, my favorite is a tiger ! Why ? because a tiger seems brave and independent while a lion looks like a lazy animal and dependent on its female partners for feeding itself.  
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