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I don\'t know why he always do that

땡이 | 조회 2927 | 추천 13
  • 2013.12.16
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

Every morning , our home is  like stolen by someone,as my husband always looking for something in the morning. i really dislike this behavior .

 If he looking for something and ask me where is the .... when i'm busy making up , or wearing clothes. I will angry with him unconsciously . And throw tantrums. 

In this morning , he did this again.

and i told to him , why are you always do that? i'm not your nanny. 

i don't have enough time to take care of you. so , please remember to  prepare all the thing you should bring to the office like documents . OK ?

And my husband may be got hurt. He didn't said any word ,just leave the home .

Suddenly , i felt sorry. but  i have no idea. because i'm a office worker,too.

I'm sorry . hanson. but please understand my difficulty .

say sorry...again........

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