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Missing kids mistery

Jeff | 조회 673 | 추천 6
  • 2021.03.30
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
One of the high profile cold cases is a misterious disappearance of boys", which is so-called "Frog Boys Missing" happened in the early 90's 
Five boys, who hung out in the mountain just behind their homes to search for frogs never came back home and their remains were found a couple of years later in the area where they had missed. Autopsy tells the boys were all brutally killed with a blunt object. 
No suspect was reported or investigated. Any clue wasn't found. It was a huge mystery. 
One the hypothesis claimed by some netizens is that the boys were killed by a crime syndicat which trade human organs. 
In my thought, this hypothesis is the most probable. I really hope the author of this vicious crime must be arrested and every misterious element about this case will be unfolded. 
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
1204 Affinity Jeff 592
1203 Space tourism Jeff 593
1202 Age gaps Jeff 644
1201 Reunification Jeff 625
1200 Smart system Jeff 695
1199 Traveling Jeff 672
1198 Quantum technology Jeff 682
>> Missing kids mistery Jeff 674
1196 Vegetarianism Jeff 632
1195 Senior romance Jeff 614
1194 By-elections Jeff 661
1193 Restroom manners Jeff 642
1192 Dialogue Jeff 634
1191 Washer room cleaning Jeff 621
1190 Family occasion Jeff 587
1189 Vitenamese rice noodle Jeff 660
1188 Comfort zone Jeff 504
1187 LH scandal Jeff 633
1186 Refrigerator Jeff 540
1185 Coincidence or superstition Jeff 624
1184 Volunteering Jeff 597
1183 Desperate colleges [2] Jeff 611
1182 N.Korea policy Jeff 643
1181 Spring Jeff 556
1180 New glasses Jeff 606
1179 Korean language Jeff 629
1178 Invitation Jeff 658
1177 A person's passing Jeff 650
1176 Reading Jeff 646
1175 Bullying Jeff 626

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