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꼭 알아야할 Idiom -1-

조가을이 | 조회 6088 | 추천 4
  • 2009.08.21
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

about to:   "The plane is about to take off." ready to, going to

agree with:  "This food doesn't agree with me.  It makes me sick."  suit, have a good effect

ahead of time:  "I will help you with your work if you let me know ahead of time." before, in advance

all at once:  "The car accident happened all at once." suddenly

bad actor:  "The horse is a bad actor.  It kicks anyone who goes near." always misbehaving

bad blood:  "There was bad blood between the two men." an unfriendly feeling, hate

be against:  "He was against his son's plan to buy a car." He was opposed; didn't agree.

be back:  "I'm going to the store.  I'll be back in an hour." return; come back; get back

be out of:  "I wanted to buy some of my favourite cookies, but the store was out of them." not have; lack; run out of

be out of pocket:  "The company paid for his trip to learn more about his job so he wouldn't be out of pocket." spend money of one's own

beside the point:  "What he liked or didn't like was beside the point." having little or nothing to do with the matter being discus

bet your boots on:  "You can bet your boots that our team will win." depend on it, be sure

better late than never: "We don't mind if you were late because of car trouble. Better late than never." It is preferable to arrive late than not arrive at all.

between the devil and the deep blue sea:  "He was between the devil and the deep blue sea." between two equal dangers

break the heart of:  "The mother's heart was broken when her daughter died." crush with sorrow or grief

bring on:  "Poor nutrition can bring on bad health." cause

bring up:  "She brought up three sons and a daughter." raise

by hook or by crook:  "He will try to get elected by hook by crook."  in any way possible

call back:  "My friend called me up on the phone while I was out. I called him back as soon as I got the message." to return a telephone call; respond

call off:  "They called off the search for the lost person after many days."  cancel

call up:  "I will call you up when I am in your city." call on the telephone

close call:  "While I was coming here  I had a close call. I was nearly hit by a car."  narrow escape

close shave:  "He had a close shave when he almost fell off the ladder." narrow escape

come down with:  "I think I'm coming down with a cold." to get an illness

crazy about:  "The children are crazy about ice cream."  really like it

cut corners:  "When he lost his job he had to cut corners to save money."  save money by reducing costs

cut it out:  "He was teasing his little sister, so I told him to cut it out." stop it, knock it off
day in, day out  "His job is boring. He does the same thing, day in, day out."  every single day

do (something) over: "He had to do his essay over again because he did not include some important information." to repeat, to do again

do without:  "Sam did without a car for many years. He used the city bus instead." to live without something

drop in the bucket:  "The amount of his wages that he put in his savings account was drop in the bucket."  a very small amount compared to the rest

drop out of:  "A few teenagers drop out of high school these days." to stop attending

eager beaver:  "Martha and her husband like to eat out every Friday night."  to eat at restaurant

eleventh hour:  "He came to help them at the eleventh hour."  The latest possible moment.  Time just before it is too late

feeling blue:  "She's feeling blue because her mother died." feeling bad

few and far between: "The people who can buy a Rolls Royce are few and far between ."  rare

figure out:  "They couldn't figure out what was meant." think out, understand, to work out

for good:  "I have decided to stay here for good."  always; indefinitely

for good measure: "When he bought a new car, they filled his gas tank for good measure."  as something extra; something not expected

to get (a problem) off  one's chest: "He has a big problem with one of the people at work.  He told me all about it and got it off his chest."  to talk openly about

get on:  "He got on the bus and rode to Calgary."  to enter (a bus, plane, train)

get one's goat: "The spoiled child got her goat because he wanted everything he saw."  annoy, make angry

get out of: "Why don't we get out of the car and take a walk through those beautiful trees?"  to leave (a car or  truck)

give the time of day: "He was very busy and wouldn't give the salesman the time of day."  to pay attention to (negative)

give up:  "The boy could not lift the heavy weight and finally gave up."  stop trying

give up:  "After many years he decided to give up smoking."  to stop a bad habit

give up the ghost:  "The dog was very sick and finally gave up the ghost."  die

go places:  "He's really going places."  achieve success; advance rapidly

go through:  "She really liked to use tomatoes in her cooking.  She goes through a lot of them every month."  to use up

go to one's head:  "When he won the game it went to his head."  become conceited

hang on:  "Hang on a minute and I'll find the doctor's telephone number."  to wait, be patient; to hold on

hang up:  "If no one answer the telephone, then we hang up."  put the telephone receiver back in place

기초영문법인강, 기초영어인강, 기초문법인강, 영문법인강, 영어공부혼자하기, 문법무료인강, 영어독학인강, 기초영문법강의, 기초영어강의, 기초문법강의, 영문법강의
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
9731 힙한 영어로 글로벌 인싸되고 싶은 사람?! 에이요 248
9730 기초단어로 알아보는 영어표현! [2] 소떡소떡 225
9729 실전 생활영어에서 빈도수가 정말 높은 영어표현은? [2] 어니언 366
9728 특별한 기초영어회화 한마디! [2] ㅇㅎㅇㅎ 273
9727 forever 보다 훨씬 더 많이 쓰이는 영어표현! [2] 01 214
9726 아무리 교재를 봐도 나오지 않는 영어표현! 뭐가있을까? [2] 귀차니즘 138
9725 해외에서 가장 많이 쓰이는 영어표현 알아보자! [2] 플럼 260
9724 over my dead body 눈에 흙이 들어가도 안 돼! [2] 안돼용 259
9723 미드나 영화에 자주 나오는 표현, How dare..! [2] 띵똥 196
9722 "Why are you so sarcastic?" [2] 비평가 249
9721 still을 이용해서 영어회화 더 자연스럽게 말해보기 [2] 요리조리 224
9720 실전 영어회화 표현 한마디 - any word on ... ? [2] aniyo 305
9719 비 오는 날, rain 말고 다양하게 말해보세요! [2] 인기상 242
9718 4월 14일 영어표현퀴즈 (빈칸채우기) [1] Jeff 298
9717 Play up - 말썽을 피우다, ~을 괴롭히다 [2] play 235
9716 "우린 공통점이 있어" 어떻게 말할까요? [2] 아이고 250
9715 크리스탈처럼 투명한 상황에서 쓰는, crystal clear [2] 크리스탈 262
9714 "The explosion ripped through my house."... [2] 휴화산 285
9713 "삐지다, 화나다" 원어민스럽게 영어로 표현하기 [2] tikitak 216
9712 영어로 '과식하다' 말하는 방법! [2] 헤이데얼 212
9711 Do-or-die 죽기 살기 [2] 헤헿 261
9710 미국인들이 정말 많이 사용하는 표현 out of the picture [2] 미역국 263
9709 off the mark 예상에서 벗어난, 틀린 삐약 295
9708 Goof off, 농떙이치다 [2] 우렁각시 207
9707 실생활에서 쓰는 완전 꿀표현!, overdo it 무리하다, 과하다 [2] 응애 206
9706 생활영어표현을 배워봅시당! old but gold [2] 로즈 202
9705 jot down, 빨리 받아적다 [2] 퓨퓨짱 236
9704 notorious for ~으로 악명 높은 [2] 카페라떼 249
9703 cheapen, 격을 떨어트리다, 가치를 낮추다 [2] 아버지가방을 226
9702 enthusiastic about ~에 열심인, ~을 좋아하는 [2] grwm 244

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