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아직도 헷갈리니? 한국인이 가장 헷갈려하는 영단어 모음!

레디큐 | 조회 5234 | 추천 33
  • 2017.12.01
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

Affect vs Effect
Affect (v): 영향을 미치다 
Effect (n): (명사)결과; (동사) (어떤 결과를) 가져오다 
When we litter, we affect our planet’s health, causing an unwanted effect: pollution and global warming.

Assure vs. Ensure vs. Insure
Assure (v): 장담하다 
Ensure (v): 보장하다 
Insure (v): 보험에 들다
Can you assure me that the store was well insured? Yes, and I will ensure that our company will process your claim.

Bare vs. Bear
Bare (v): 드러내다 
Bear (v): 지탱하다 
A bear might bare its teeth or simply bear its young while climbing up a tree.

Climatic vs. Climactic
Climatic (adj): 기후의 
Climactic (adj): (어떤 행사에서나 시기적으로) 절정의 
Monkeys escaping a climatic event like a hurricane approaching a rainforest might lead be a climactic situation!

Complement vs. Compliment
Complement (v): (동사) 보완하다; (명사) 보완물 
Compliment (n): (명사) 칭찬(의 말), 찬사; (동사) 칭찬하다 
Saying, “You complement me,” might earn you a hearty thanks for the compliment.

Disinterested vs. Uninterested
Disinterested (adj): 사심이 없는, 객관적인 
Uninterested (adj): 무관심한
It would be good to have a judge who was disinterested, but an uninterested judge wouldn’t even listen to the facts!

Elicit vs. Illicit
Elicit (v): (정보,반응을 어렵게) 끌어내다 
Illicit (adj): 불법의, 금지된
Trying to elicit private information like social security numbers by phone is an illicit activity!

Farther vs. Further
Farther (adv): (부사) (공간.시간상으로) 더 멀리; (형용사) 더 먼 
Further (adv): (부사) 더 멀리에 (물리적인 거리가 아닌 경우에 더 많이 쓰임)
The farther you travel, the further your mind will expand.

Imply vs. Infer
Imply (v): 암시하다 
Infer (v): 추론하다 
The facts imply that we’re missing something. I can only infer that we need to dig a bit deeper into the matter.

Stationary vs. Stationery
Stationary (adj): 움직이지 않는 
Stationery (n): 문구류 
My poor cat remained stationary while I wrote a letter on my new stationery.

번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
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10502 10월 24일 영어표현퀴즈 (빈칸채우기) [7] Jeff 863
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10500 10월 22일 영어표현퀴즈 (빈칸채우기) [1] Jeff 588
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10496 10월 18일 영어표현퀴즈 (빈칸채우기) [3] Jeff 790
10495 해커스 여행회화-쇼핑편 사진 [3] 해토지기 1273
10494 10월 17일 영어표현퀴즈 (빈칸채우기) [7] Jeff 716
10493 10월 16일 영어표현퀴즈 (빈칸채우기) [7] Jeff 575
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10489 10월 13일 영어표현퀴즈 (빈칸채우기) [7] Jeff 694
10488 10월 12일 영어표현퀴즈 (빈칸채우기) [7] Jeff 589
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10486 10월 10일 영어표현퀴즈 (빈칸채우기) [1] Jeff 612
10485 10월 9일 영어표현퀴즈 (빈칸채우기) [3] Jeff 868

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[게시판 이용 안내 및 권리침해신고 자세히 보기]


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