
스터디모집 게시판 자신에게 딱 맞는 스터디를 찾거나 모집하는 게시판입니다.


[주말] 영어원서 읽기 멤버 구합니다. [ The Art of Seduction - Robert Greene ] (회비: X) 영어를 즐길 여유가 있으신분만..^^ (대학 재학생 사절 (-_-;) )

책장수 | 조회 440 | 추천 0
  • 2014.03.10
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
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    주말 무관

스터디 주제 및

스터디 소개

영어원서 읽기를 통해서 꾸준한 독해와 실력향상 
가능 지역

구로디지탈단지, 서울대입구, 강남

사용할 책The Art of Seduction or anything else

연락처 및

이메일 주소

KaKaoTalk ID : frankenstein80


영어원서 읽기 클럽 멤버를 구해볼까해서 글 올립니다.

책 제목은 로버트 그린의 : The Art of Seduction 입니다. 

일단 카톡으로 문의주시면 제가 파일로 어느정도 수준인지 알수있도록 보내드리겠습니다.

일반 소설보다는 단어나 구조면에서 좀 난이도가 있습니다.

하지만 하고자하는 열정만 있으시다면 충분히 하실수 있으리라 생각합니다.

읽은 이후에 영어로 토론도 머 여러가지 할 수 있겠지만, 일단 읽기부터 쉽지 않은지라 

처음에는 욕심부리지 않고 할 생각입니다. 

나중에 어느정도 수준이되면 외국인 친구들 꼬셔서 토론도하고 재밌게 운영할 수 있을거라 생각합니다. 

하지만 절대 처음에 욕심을 부릴 생각이 없으니 일정이상 독해만 되시면 됩니다.

총인원은 3~4명정도 생각하고 있습니다. 

토플이나 토익을 준비하시는 분들에게도 충분히 도움과 자극이 될수있을거라 확신합니다.

토(저녁) 일(오후)에 적당한 장소에서 카페에서 공부할 예정입니다.

물론 원서는 PDF쉽게 구할수있고 공부하실수 있기편하게끔 제가 단어작업도 하고있으니

많은 도움이 되실거라 생각합니다.

원서읽기 클럽운영은 경험이 있는지라 걱정말고 연락주세요. 

일단 선착순 2명만 뽑겠습니다.^^

P.S. 책읽는거 정말 좋아하시고, 영어를 즐길수 있으신분이 오셨으면 좋겠습니다.  -0- 
아래 스샷과 같이 공부하시기에 편하도록 자료도 준비하고 있습니다. ^^
아차 회비는 당연히 없구요.. 자기 차값만 각자 계산하시면 됩니다. ^^


The Spectacular Siren


In the year 48 B.C., Ptolemy XIV of Egypt managed to depose and exile his sister and wife, Queen Cleopatra. He secured the country's borders against her return and began to rule on his own. Later that year, Julius Caesar came to Alexandria to ensure that despite the local power struggles, Egypt would remain loyal to Rome.

One night Caesar was meeting with his generals in the Egyptian palace, discussing strategy, when a guard entered to report that a Greek merchant was at the door bearing a large and valuable gift for the Roman leader. Caesar, in the mood for a little fun, gave the merchant permission to enter. The man came in, carrying on his shoulders a large rolled-up carpet. He undid the rope around the bundle and with a snap of his wrists unfurled itrevealing the young Cleopatra, who had been hidden inside, and who rose up half clothed before Caesar and his guests, like Venus emerging from the waves.

Everyone was dazzled at the sight of the beautiful young queen (only twenty-one at the time) appearing before them suddenly as if in a dream. They were astounded at her daring and theatricalitysmuggled into the harbor at night with only one man to protect her, risking everything on a bold move. No one was more enchanted than Caesar. According to the Roman writer Dio Cassius, "Cleopatra was in the prime of life. She had adelightful voice which could not fail to cast a spell over all who heard it. Such was the charm of her person and her speech that they drew the coldest and most determined misogynist into her toils. Caesar was spellbound as soon as he set eyes on her and she opened her mouth to speak." That same evening Cleopatra became Caesar’s lover.

Caesar had had numerous mistresses before, to divert him from the rigors of his campaigns. But he had always disposed of them quickly to return to what really thrilled himpolitical intrigue, the challenges of warfare, the Roman theater. Caesar had seen women try anything to keep him under their spell. Yet nothing prepared him for Cleopatra. One night she would tell him how together they could revive the glory of Alexander the Great, and rule the world like gods. The next she would entertain him dressed as the goddess Isis, surrounded by the opulence of her court. Cleopatra initiated Caesar in the most decadent revelries, presenting herself as the incarnation of the Egyptian exotic. His life with her was a constant game, as challenging as warfare, for the moment he felt secure with her she would suddenly turn cold or angry and he would have to find a way to regain her favor.

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