
스터디모집 게시판 자신에게 딱 맞는 스터디를 찾거나 모집하는 게시판입니다.


Looking for an English speaking partner

Rachel | 조회 1413 | 추천 0
  • 2015.01.10
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
 Hello, I am a Korean female office worker and looking for a partner to practice English speaking with. I have learned English for the past few years, but I wanna be more confident in speaking. I am currently getting a private English lesson from an English native speaker and talk about some articles or topics from TED during class. It helps, but the problem is the teacher is of course much better than me in speaking, so, most of the times, I have to listen to him. 

 My English is not good enough to cut in in the middle of his talk or to make my statement long. I wanna find someone who has English skills about my level and have practice with them regularly. Any casual topics like everyday life or subjects from OPIC speaking test would be ok. I have several OPIC textbooks and we can find any topics on the internet.

 I can't say what my level is as I haven't taken any speaking test, but my TOEIC score was over 900 points and I communicate in English a lot with foreign co-workers at my workplace. As I get off work around 6pm, I prefer to have a conversation in the evening time and on-line through skype. My skype ID is jayong77. If anyone is interested, pls feel free to talk to me via skype. Thanks!    
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스터디모집 게시판
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