- 2012.03.02
English Luncheon’s Schedule
1. 1st Session (10min):Small Talk and Ice breaking. (Talking about our daily lives)
2. 2nd Session (75min)
① 10 – 20 minutes presentation.
② Discussion about the presentation with prepared questions.
3. 15 minutes Recess.
4. 3rd Session (75min)
① 10 – 20 minutes presentation.
② Discussion about the presentation with prepared questions.
5. Have a talk about the next meeting. (5min)
☺ English Luncheon is based on…
Advanced English Speakers, Flexibility in Thinking and Mutual Respect.
☺ Traditional Rules…
1. Coming late three times or being absent three times,
you should buy people coffee.
2. A presenter should prepare three or five questions to the presenter’s article.
3. We see "No Need" to have presentation articles.
아티클 개인적으로 준비할 필요없습니다.
참여 원하시는 분은 메일 주세요. 메일제목 : 토요일 12시 스터디신청합니다.
이름/연락처/영어이름/스터디 각오
해커스영어는 유익한 게시판 이용을 위해 아래와 같은 내용을 포함한 게시글/댓글의 등록을 금지합니다.