
문제집 한권 다풀동안 이문제 모르겠어요 알려주세요.

이현태 | 조회 1333 | 추천 0
  • 2006.10.07
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
문법상 틀린거 고치는건데 다른건 다했는데 이것들은 도져히 모르겠네요.틀린것좀 고쳐주세요. 너무 답답하니까 아시는 것만이라도 좀 알려주세요....잘 아시는분들...

1.Our supervisor understood that it was they, her and gale who had made the big mistake.

2.By the times he came to the office, the meeting had already fished.

3.The first businesses to be hit by the slowdown in air travel were that in the tourist trade,
   hotels, restaurants and local travel agencies.

4.Please note that unless the vehicle is returned until 5:00 P.M on the final day of rental, an
   extra day`s rental fees and insurance premiums will be added to the bill.

5.Only a little of them will be able to benefit from the aid given to their countries by private    

6.Either of new houses construction will be taking place around southern Great Lakes area
    next year.

7.Almost American have at one time or another visited a hot spring on vacation.

8. I checked three stores, and any of them had the ice cream you like.

9.The notebooks in this box are better than that in the other over there.

10.Elaine had only a twenty dollars bill with her when she got on the bus hurriedly.

11.The company`s concern about the safe of all its employees won it an award from the Department of Labor.

12.I hope you don`t mind my asking how long have you been employes at this company.

13.Other things be equal, this applicant is superior to that whose resume we talked about

14.Both political parties will talk more later to compromise and finally get rid of its political

15.Nicole founded the business in 1985, and he ahs become one of the largest
      companies in North England for the past ten years.
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
1690 p60 13번질문입니다. [1] 쉬쉬지 456 2006.10.24
1689 p.93 27번에서 [1] ㅊㅂ 494 2006.10.24
1688 저기요 [2] dms 501 2006.10.24
1687 p59 1번좀요..... [1] 700목표 552 2006.10.24
1686 꼭 테이프를 사야하나요? [2] 해외서토익공부 1224 2006.10.24
1685 p59 해설좀 부탁드릴게요..제발..ㅜ.ㅜ [2] 쉬쉬지 469 2006.10.24
1684 L/C 진단고사 올려주세염 [1] 승주엄마 998 2006.10.24
1683 토익 볼려는 초본데여 해커스 책 문의여....^^ [2] wbstkd 916 2006.10.23
1682 답글 [re] 그게 오류가 아니고 이런 거였어요 [1] 스터디짱 1286 2006.10.23
1681 정말..MP3없어서 짱난당..ㅜㅜ [2] 1437 2006.10.23
1680 18장, 명사절에 관한 내용 [2] 해커스가족 482 2006.10.23
1679 385p 동의어 문제 [4] 리탈리카 477 2006.10.23
1678 p116쪽 mp3 오류 발견!! [2] mp3오류 같은디! 1278 2006.10.23
1677 급질입니다~~전치사요~ [1] 효도르형님짱 307 2006.10.23
1676 꼭꼭 꼭 답변좀 부탁합니다 빨리요 [2] hello 486 2006.10.22
1675 7th,8th daily checkup 06에서 13까지 해석 부탁 드립... [1] 평택토익 1228 2006.10.22
1674 고수님들 왜 이렇게 되는건지 자세한 설명을 좀 해주세요 [2] 초보돌이 429 2006.10.21
1673 RC p.472 126번이요.. [1] 루키 399 2006.10.21
1672 해커스모의고사... [2] 초보 644 2006.10.21
1671 해커스 토익 L/C 80쪽 문제 4번 [1] 하늘색 꿈 982 2006.10.21

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