
ch.7 ch.8 ch.9 ch.10 질문드려요_

쥬뗌므 | 조회 925 | 추천 0
  • 2010.10.18
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소


4. Enclosed with the invitation was a list of ______ professionals that would be making a speech at the seminar.

a) distinguishes     b) distinguishing     c) distinguished     d) distinguish

b)랑 c)랑 헷갈려요..


5. Lawson Financial proided Kylie Warner with a generous raise in pay, ______ her as a valuable member of the advertising department.

a) reconfirming     b) reconfirm     c) is reconfirmed     d) reconfirmed

a)랑 d)랑 헷갈려요..


7. Mr. Manzoni's store will need additional stock, despite ______ a shipment just last week.

a) has received     b) is receiving     c) having received     d) will receive

a)랑 c)랑 헷갈려요..


14. The purpose of the board meeting was ______ the architect's plans for the new office headquarters.

a) revealing     b) will reveal     c) to reveal     d) reveals

a)랑 c)랑 헷갈려요..


23. Andrea Guttenberg mentioned that attendance to this year's management workshop was rather ______.

a) disappointing     b) disappoints     c) disappointed     d) disappointment


29. Due to the ______ cost of shipping and handling, the electronics firm decided to modify their delivery rates.

a) risen     b) rises     c) rising     d) rose



9. Prospero Florist offers a wide ______ of flowers and bouquets, but its selection of house plants is quite limited.

a) varied     b) various     c) variable     d) variety

b),c),d) 잘 모르겠어요..


p.100  토익 실전 check-up

1. The construction company saved (itself, their) a lot of money by choosing a new supplier.



7. ______ employee wishing to take part in the organizational skills seminar is asked to sign up for the event.

a) Both     b) Either     c) All     d) Any

만약에 (wishing to take~ organizational skills seminar) 이 부분이 없으면 all 도 가능한가요?

가능하다면 seminar 뒤에 are 가 와야 하나요?


8. Because of exceptional ______, the engineering firm completed the office tower earlier than expected.

a) planning     b) planner     c) planned     d) plan

plan 이 안 되는 이유가 뭐죠...??


10. The ______ of the language barrier forced Ms. Marquez to give up her career in Paris.

a) challenging     b) challenges     c) challenger     d) challengeable

a) challenging 이 답이 될 수 없는 이유는 뭐죠..?



19. The embassy spokesperson said it is ______ to keep a copy of your passport in a safe location, in case of loss.

a) advisory     b) advise     c) advisable     d) advising

a)와 c)는 둘 다 형용사인데 뜻이 비슷해서 헷갈려요.. 어떻게 구분해야 하나요?

번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
10130 test3 172-175 문제중에 질문이요! [1] sss 794 2010.11.16
10129 관사관련 질문이요! [1] 왕초보 761 2010.11.15
10128 Test 2 108/ 119 질문이요! [2] 나나나난 853 2010.11.15
10127 4회 128번 문제 질문 드리겟습니다. [1] 889 2010.11.15
10126 공부방법 [3] minulago 947 2010.11.15
10125 실전1000제 리딩 2회 168번문제요 [4] 마똥 827 2010.11.14
10124 6회 140번 [2] 몰라요 914 2010.11.14
10123 빨간 리스닝 책사서 공부하려는데요 [2] 공허포격기 1456 2010.11.14
10122 질문 [2] 123 783 2010.11.13
10121 152쪽 check-up 2번문제요! [1] 토익만점 728 2010.11.13
10120 4회 73번 답이 2번 아닌가요? [3] 네이쳐 772 2010.11.13
10119 이거좀 알려주세요 [1] dd 832 2010.11.12
10118 실전 1000제 리딩 2회 질문 [2] namuya95 932 2010.11.11
10117 [해커스 토익 실전 1000제]test2-Q114, test6-Q117 ... [1] 무한긍정 948 2010.11.11
10116 test 1에서 124번 문제 [1] 쩡다 794 2010.11.11
10115 강의기간 60일이 지나면 소멸되는 건가요? [2] 이쁜이 866 2010.11.10
10114 중급 리딩 ch11. 25번질문입니다. [1] 궁금이 709 2010.11.10
10113 질문 [1] 토익완전초보 844 2010.11.10
10112 해석/문법 질문 [3] 토익완전초보 842 2010.11.10
10111 답이두개 리스닝495 650 2010.11.10

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