
ch.15 ch.16 ch.17 질문드려요_

쥬뗌므 | 조회 781 | 추천 0
  • 2010.10.18
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소


p.151 토익 실전 chech-up

2. The broker suggested buying stocks in a company (that, what) has recently been made public.


7. Dargo Tech's new product failed to gain popularity with the target market for ______ it was designed.

a) who     b) which     c) what     d) where

a),b),c) 헷갈려요..


22. If you travel to a foreign country for business, it is ______ to read up on local customs and traditions.

a) advisory     b) advisor     c) advise     d) advisable

a)와 d) 둘 다 형용사인데 의미로만 파악해야 하나요? 비슷해서 구별하기가 어려운 것 같은데..



16. ______ time-consuming it may be, assembly line workers must conduct daily safety checks on all machinery.

a) Although     b) However     c) Whether     d) Despite

a)와 d)가 헷갈려요..



7. When working with chemicals, it is very important to take ______ measures against workplace accidents.

a) prevents     b) preventable     c) preventive     d) prevented

a)와 b) 헷갈려요..


10. During construction, Mr. Lima often spoke to the architects and ______ the site manager about structural problems.

a) consulting     b) consulted     c) consult     d) consultation


18. The contact information of customers to ______ the gift certificates are to be sent is included in the attachment.

a) which     b) whose     c)whomever     d) whom


28. Offering assistance and ______ to product inquiries are the duties of the company's customer service agents.

a) respond     b) responded     c) responding     d) response

a)와 d)가 헷갈려요..


29. Despite much praise, Ms. Dianne was not satisfied with her presentation because she is her own ______ critic.

a) harshly     b) harsher     c) most harshly     d) harshest


토익 고수님들 답변 꼭 부탁드립니당..

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