
ch8 3,15,16,22,28번 질문이요 ㅜㅜ

질문이요! | 조회 653 | 추천 0
  • 2011.03.08
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소


 3. Bus tours of the region's most _______ sites can be arranged at the front desk of the hotel.

 (A)celebrated (B)celebration (C)celebrity (D)celebrating


15. The new design for the perfume bottle would not have been successful without the marketing

   team's _____.

(A)contribute (B)contribution (C)contributive (D)contributes


16. We hope you will accept the _____ gift certificate as an apology for the delayed delivery.

(A)enclosure (B)enclose (C)enclosing (D)enclosed


22. Recyclable materials, such as paper and plastic, should be left in the bins near the copy room

for _____.

(A)removed (B)removal (C)removes (D)remover


28. Because the numerous _______ at the workshop were from local companies, only a few hotel

rooms had to be reserved.

(A)participation (B)participatory (C)participates (D)participants


답이 되는 이유 좀 알려주세요~ ㅜㅜ

번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
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