
체크업 12,13해석부탁드립니다~~

토익어려워 | 조회 1585 | 추천 5
  • 2011.11.07
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

the TR-1010's sleek style was widely imitated by competitors.

it has become increasingly common to outsource programming work.

the figures weren't accurate because not all the data was inputted.

the convention is running concurrently with a design exhibition.

the increased cost of plastics is hurting many manufactures.

online auctions enable sellers to broaden their market of potential buyers.

the company added many features that customers had been asking for.

inspect all visitors' bags upon arrival


adjust the schedule depending on the specific needs of each project

the employee was fired for disclosing sensitive internal documents.

the CEO had the unwavering support of the board of directors.

many customers prefer replacing old computers instead of upgrading.

water will cause the camera to malfuction.

an employee may be dismissed after two unsatisfactory evaluations.

customers can return any product as long as they have a recelpt.

the surfaces should be free of scratches and other serious blemishes.

번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
12110 p.370> 예제 1번 [1] vhd 756 2011.12.22
12109 p.353>4번 [1] vhd 711 2011.12.22
12108 in our pool of valued clients이거 해석좀요. [1] tony 335 2011.12.22
12107 리딩 Test 1 176-180 타이틀 문장 질문좀 드릴게요^^ [1] 은수 369 2011.12.21
12106 조언좀 해주세요~!!!!! [2] 토익시작 606 2011.12.21
12105 안녕하세요 [1] 흠.. 583 2011.12.21
12104 빨간색 해커스토익리스닝 엠피쓰리자료를 찾을수가 없어요ㅜㅜㅜ!!!!!! [1] 뿌잉뿌잉 1839 2011.12.21
12103 해커스 리스닝 빨강이 누락페이지가 있어서요. [2] 누락페이지 1818 2011.12.21
12102 해석 질문좀드릴게요 [1] 지혜 365 2011.12.21
12101 리딩 해설집 분실했는데... [1] 김윤영 532 2011.12.20
12100 test 9회 154번 [2] 독해 가 독해 427 2011.12.20
12099 외국어 궁금증 [2] 현빈 친구 1621 2011.12.19
12098 질문있습니다. [1] eiaieme 404 2011.12.19
12097 1000(2) lc인강들으시는분있나요? [1] 최선생 504 2011.12.19
12096 파랭이 p.55 17번 문장 질문이요- [1] cainan 687 2011.12.18
12095 책구입전 질문! [1] 366 2011.12.17
12094 8회 118번 질문이요 [2] 깡셤 364 2011.12.17
12093 TEST04 PART1 9번 문제요. [2] 오이사랑 360 2011.12.17
12092 p.27 2번문제 A는 왜안되나용? [4] 쇄키 1931 2011.12.16
12091 P469. 144번 문제 잘못된 게 아닌지요? [2] 플라워 759 2011.12.16

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