
111 | 조회 4118 | 추천 15
  • 2016.06.13
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
I should take the toeic test again.
Can't believe it's been over three years since I last took the test!
I just started solving toeic questions, and some questions made me annoyed.
I felt they were just made to try to get people frustrated.
Besides, I found out I'm still not familiar with Australian accent.
I heard many Americans think Australian accent is the sexiest accent in the world.
They might think it can sound a little posh.
Anyway it's still hard for me to understand Australian accents.
Hopefully I'll get used to Australian and British accent soon.

번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
16342 Regarding my work [1] anon 4195
16341 marriage [3] Sad guy 4237
16340 답글 RE:marriage Sad guy 3666
16339 memo [1] ioios 3553
16338 today [1] mansu 4199
16337 diary [2] ! 3868
16336 D&F [1] mansu 4183
16335 my recent news [3] daisylee 4648
16334 dust fine [2] asykim 4371
16333 These days [1] Kloa 4174
>> toeic [1] 111 4119
16331 에세이 사진 [1] freet1234 4400
16330 Today is gone! [1] Milk 4275
16329 The Diary (3) [1] blitz-crank 4036
16328 I love the mountains. I love the rolling... [1] happy93111 3930
16327 Dublin [2] hackerslee 3589
16326 The Diary (2) [3] blitz-crank 4075
16325 I want to be an exchange student. [1] bser 3293
16324 The Diary (1) [3] blitz-crank 3587
16323 Worry like you have [1] GGyu 3315

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[게시판 이용 안내 및 권리침해신고 자세히 보기]


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