2015년 9월 해커스 토익 전신홍 선생님 적중 예상문제

101. ------- the situation he had found himself in, Mr. Stern felt he had little choice but to resign as director. (A) Once (B) Since (C) In case of (D) Because of

102. Francine knew the conference had been a success when ------- participants e-mailed to express their thanks. (A) every (B) much (C) many (D) few

103. Research has found that bright colors and strong lighting encourage people -------more money when browsing in shops. (A) spend (B) would spend (C) spent (D) to spend

104. The new product had helped the company's revenue to double over two years, and their stock price had risen -------. (A) correspondence (B) correspondingly (C) corresponding (D) corresponds

105. The other building is the location of the cafeteria and some additional offices, and the entrance can be found ------- the corner. (A) around (B) between (C) across (D) beneath

106. This new phone is a ------- example of the kind of innovation that the company has been producing for international buyers. (A) type (B) typical (C) typically (D) typified

107. Occasionally, errors may occur ------- the best efforts of the flight crew, and staff will keep all passengers informed in such events. (A) against (B) despite (C) unlike (D) beyond

108. The insurance company has investigated the claim and has agreed that the amount ------- to the hospital will be paid in full. (A) owing (B) owed (C) owe (D) owes

109. A delay in the shipment of parts from one of the suppliers has ------- the amount of time it will take to fulfill orders. (A) lengthened (B) opened (C) widened (D) maintained

110. ------- television last night, the new CEO talked confidently about his vision for the company and his plans for the future. (A) In (B) At (C) On (D) By

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