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Living a Single Life

People who choose to stay single for the rest of their lives have increased over the years. Many men and women have absolutely no plans of finding a partner to marry and settle down with. According to some people, this trend is unnatural and alarming. These people say that choosing to stay single should be discouraged.

According to people who support the suggestion, communities and societies function well based on strong relationships that start from home. The family is the smallest building block of society and not the individual. Learning how to become better members of society happens first within a family or a relationship. Choosing to be single only encourages individualism which is not good for society.

Furthermore, societies need couples to procreate to sustain a nation’s population and the human race in general. If people these days choose to stay single, a nation’s future would be at risk because there wouldn’t be enough people to comprise the workforce. Many cultures would also suffer because the cycle of passing down traditions would be broken.

Finally, supporters assert that life is meant to be shared with a significant other. Having a life partner is always better than living alone. People in a loving relationship are there to look after each other. They can also share their failures and triumphs with one another and celebrate life together.

According to people who contradict the suggestion, one of the best things in life these days is that people are less restricted by societal norms. People no longer live in an era in which they are forced to get married and have kids at a certain age. Most people are now free to choose how they want to live their lives.

Also, sometimes, having a partner or a family can block the path that people choose. There is nothing wrong with the idea of “marrying your career” since people these days are freer to forge their own paths. Some people simply choose to prioritize self-actualization as achieving it is the only way for them to feel accomplished. These are things that one cannot do when there is a significant other to consider.

Lastly, some people who choose to be single cannot be blamed for their choice. Many relationships and marriages still end in separation or divorce. Some people who stay together simply drift apart through time. Some couples have trouble finding time for each other and juggling their personal life, social life, and work life.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. Communities and societies function well based on strong relationships that start from home.

2. Societies need couples to procreate to ensure the continuity of the human race.

3. Life is meant to be shared with a significant other.


unnatural 이상한, 비정상적인

alarming 두려운, 걱정스러운

discourage 말리다, 막다

procreate 아이를 낳다

workforce 노동력

triumph 승리

self-actualization 자아 실현

divorce 이혼

drift apart 사이가 멀어지다

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