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President Donald Trump’s Inauguration Met with Protests

On January 20, 2017, Donald Trump was inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States in a public ceremony held on the West Front of the United States Capitol Building in Washington. He is the first president to be elected with no prior background and experience in the military and politics. He is also the oldest and richest to assume office as U.S. president.

Prior to the inauguration day, President Trump hosted “Make America Great Again! Welcome Celebration,” a concert dedicated to Trump supporters who would be attending the inauguration. The concert was graced with the presence of music personalities.

The fresh administration also welcomed President Trump’s running mate, Mike Pence, as the new vice president. Pence was inaugurated at the same day as the commencement of President Donald Trump’s four-year term. In the morning of January 20, President Trump and the First Lady attended a customary church service with the new vice president. After the said church service, outgoing President Obama and outgoing First Lady Michelle Obama welcomed the new first couple at the White House. Melania Trump gave a parting gift to Michelle Obama, a tradition that was started by Michelle Obama when her husband was inaugurated.

The inauguration of President Trump is not without controversy. Many women from different cities around the world took to the streets their cry for women’s rights, social justice, and human rights issues on ethnicity, gender, religion, immigration, and healthcare. The protests were collectively known as the 2017 Women’s March which was organized in Washington, D.C. where at least half a million participated.

Women marched with signs bearing mockery on Trump’s previous comments about women during his campaign period. It is the largest political demonstration in the U.S. next to the anti-Vietnam war protests. Many American celebrities like Scarlett Johansson, Madonna, and Ashley Judd joined the historic demonstrations. Around 168 protests were held in other countries.

A few days after President Trump’s inauguration, his approval rating reflected 45 percent. It is said to have been the lowest rating an incoming president has ever received. This approval rating shows the huge divide among Americans that has been evident ever since his controversial campaign. Statistics also show that men and white Americans were more likely to support Trump than women and nonwhites Americans were.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. What important event in U.S. history was held on January 20, 2017?

2. What is the purpose of the protests?

3. What is President Trump’s initial approval rating?


background 배경

inauguration 취임

administration 행정부

commencement 개시, 시작

ethnicity 민족성

mockery 조롱

approval rating 지지율

자료제공 EDU TIMES EBS english 컨텐츠 제공

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