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The FIFA World Cup 2026 Expansion

The plan of Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) President Gianni Infantino to expand the World Cup starting 2026 has been finally approved. The changes will constitute the addition of 16 more countries to the original 32 participating countries. The number of matches will also increase from 64 to 80.

The approved change will guarantee more revenue for FIFA, causing many people to doubt the intentions of the expansion.

One of the most serious concerns is the possibility that the quality of FIFA World Cup games may decrease significantly with the addition of 16 more teams. For the longest time, the World Cup has become an avenue for top-quality football matches that entertained many football fans around the world. Despite the good intention behind the decision, adding 16 more teams can impact the entertainment value of the games.

Another serious consideration that many people emphasize is the fact that FIFA has been surrounded with corruption controversies in recent years. Naturally, the projected revenue of 800 million pounds has raised many eyebrows. Many critics couldn’t help but think that the decision to expand was financially motivated.

Finally, some say the expansion may be a little too ambitious. Hosting the tournament may pose serious logistic problems. Most developed countries including the United States, which is the most popular choice to host the 2026 tournament, may even need to turn to other countries like Mexico and Canada for assistance in hosting the tournament.

Those who disagree explain that the expansion of the World Cup is a good change for the newly included countries. Many nations in Africa and Asia will finally have the opportunity to participate in the prestigious competition. Being able to compete with the best will also help the new countries to raise their game.

Also, supporters of the expansion say football is not exclusive to Europe and South America. The expansion was decided in the spirit of promoting football as a global sport which is the most important driver of the overhaul. Many people already feel that football is dying. The expansion can help restore football to its former glory.

Finally, they say the expansion of FIFA is inevitable especially in the 21st century. It allows more cultures to come together to share the love for football. It is only right to have more countries in the most prestigious football tournament in the world.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

The plan to expand the World Cup starting 2026 has been finally approved. The approved change will guarantee more revenue for FIFA, causing many people to question the intentions of the expansion. Do you support the expansion plan?

1. The expansion of the World Cup is a good change for the association and the newly included countries.
2. The expansion was decided in the spirit of promoting football as a global sport.
3. The expansion is inevitable especially in the 21st century.

1. The quality of FIFA World Cup games may decrease significantly with the addition of 16 more teams.
2. The projected revenue raises many eyebrows especially that FIFA has been surrounded with corruption controversies.
3. Hosting the tournament may pose serious logistic problems to developed countries.


constitute 구성하다

revenue 수익, 수입

intention 의도

expansion 확장

corruption 부패

eyebrow 눈썹

overhaul 점검

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