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페이스북 보내기 트위터 보내기 친구들에게 공유하기

Tiananmen Square Protests, After 25 Years

A photograph of man confronting a line of tanks symbolizes what happened 25 years ago in China. June 4, 1989, Chinese troops quelled student-led protests in Tiananmen Square. Many students lost their lives during the protests.

People gather around Tiananmen Square. However, they are not there to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the incident. Mainly tourists pose for pictures below the grandiose portrait of Mao Zedong. It is not that people have forgotten about the incident. The square was filled with police officers patrolling the area. The security in Beijing was impervious to any kind of disorder. In contrast to Beijing, thousands of people assembled in Hong Kong to remember what the protesters stood up for.

The two very different situations in mainland China and Hong Kong clearly depicts where China lies today. China is a very unique country. It is a mixture of communism and capitalism. The Chinese government is famous for its censorship and control over what is communicated among its citizens. Such restriction was made apparent by the Tiananmen Square incident and is still evident.

Nonetheless, the 25th anniversary of the incident is being memorialized in more liberal areas such as Hong Kong and other countries with Chinese residents. Although China has prevented citizens from publicly discussing and commemorating the Tiananmen protests, many have taken to the Internet to share their opinions and views. This shows the constant struggle in China. China’s repressive nature has been exposed to the world.

However, China is trying to realize the benefits of opening up its boarders while maintaining its secure political structure. China has accelerated its economy, entered the global finance market, and opened its borders to tourism. These activities have placed China in a higher position in the international community. However, the Chinese government inevitably faces challenges. The influx of different cultures and people has hindered the government’s censorship.

China is at a crossroads as it continues to pursue its own political ideology, which is rather incongruent with the global trend. The 25th anniversary of Tiananmen Square incident illustrates this perfectly. We should remember not only the incident but also what it symbolizes.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. What is your opinion of governmental censorship?


2. How do you think China should have responded to the 25th anniversary?


3. Do you think the Chinese political ideology can survive in a highly globalized world?


confront 맞서다


quell 진압하다


commemorate 기념하다


grandiose 웅장한 


impervious 불침투성의


censorship 검열


apparent 명백한


memorialize 기념 하다


influx 유입


hinder 방해하다


crossroads 교차로 


incongruent 일치하지 않는

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